Ch. 15- It' Happening

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     Walking down the side walk the next morning after sleeping in the woods on a bunch of leaves. I brushed off the extra leaves still on my body and noticed a little boy playing with his car toys in the yard a couple houses down. When I reached the house he looked at me and started to cry for his mom. I felt bad and thought he didn't like strangers.

    "Monster!" He yelled as he ran to the big, bulky, brown door. I run to the apartment feeling horrible as the images come of me scaring off those guys. The smaller man hanging onto the rock bleeding. I run through the door both Christie and Laurent are on the couch and look at me with wide eyes. Both frightened by my presence. They stand up quickly Christie lifted her hands to cover her mouth in shock.

    "What happened to you. There's blood all over you." She screeches not coming any further. I dart to the bathroom not understanding what she means. My blonde hair knotted and messy. My face pail and covered in brown dry blood from the tip of my nose to me chest.

    I couldn't move. I was petrified of myself.  All the memories came back to me in an instant and all I wanted to do was scream. Soon the tears started to fall again. The warm wet droplets speed up to flowing water falls on my pale cheeks. My body went numb as my knees buckled and I fell on the floor. In my mind where images of the man half dead on the rock. I can taste his blood on toung. I almost killed a man. I had the chance to save him. To help him get better. Then I thought of Rae. She must think I'm insane. She saved that Man's life.

      Crying and screaming out of fear, frustration, and anger. Christie walks in and immediately wraps me in a tight hug.

     "Karlie it's ok. It's ok." Through blurry vision I watch her as she grabs a rag and starts running water. I felt her rub the wet washcloth on my face to get the stained blood off my skin. "It's ok. Your fine." She coos to me.

      Soon, Ray walks into the livingroom. "What's wrong?"
I could feel my eyes widen as,I stood up and immediately started apologizing. She didn't want to hear it. Her hand came up to my face.

    "If this is about last night I do not want to hear it. It happens to every new born vampire. If anyone should be apologizing it's me. I was supposed to help you with the cravings and I let you go out multiple times. It's not your fault.  It's mine."

    "You shouldn't have been the one to save him! I should have been the one to save him. But I couldn't handle it. It was so strong." My body started to fall again and I wanted to shut down completely. Rae had caught me as we both sat to the floor and she held and rocked me like she actually cared. She told me it was gonna be alright and all I need was help to stop craving. She blamed her self over and over again. I looked up to see Laurent standing next to the couch. An upset look on his face. He looked at me in what I thought was disgust until his eyes softened.

    "Its not you. Just help me stop wanting it." I pleaded. She hugged me tighter.

      After a while of Christie cleaning my face and Rae hugging me, I started to cool off but felt bad for them. They had to sit here and watch me have mental breakdown.  I stood up slowly, hugged Christie and Rae. Both of them where there for me. I always cried in my room where no one could see. Where I could scream in a pillow and no one would here my painful cries.

     "I'm going to take a shower." I said quietly as I grabbed my bag and went back to the bathroom and closed the door. As I unzipped the bag, I had found a black tank top and yoga pants. The silky texture ran across my fingers comfortably.  I started to strip, after the girls left the bathroom and closed the door, throwing my clothes in the washer and stepping into the shower turning the cold on more than the hot. All I could think about was how my life is getting worse. My mind let me believe that being a vampire would be fun.

        I scrubbed my whole body until all the blood was gone. Christie never cleaned the blood from my chest. I watched as it flowed down the drain along with all of my guilt for almost killing that poor man. He didn't deserve that. But I shouldn't be putting myself down for something that is natural for me now. Shutting off the shower and getting out, I wrap a grey fluffy  towel around me and dry off quickly. After getting dressed, teeth brushed, and makeup on, I finally decide to walk out of the bathroom. I set my things on the floor by all the other bags.

      "Hey. She's alive. You want a beer or a twisted tea?" Rae asked sympathetically. I shook my head yes pointing to the tea's. She tossed me one as I caught it fast. I couldn't help but chug it down for the pain to just go away but it didn't. Finishing the beverage I sighed.

      "Well, when are we going?" I asked in a hurry.
     "I can teleport us to the other side of the North Pacific, to France. We can hang there and then head out tomorrow. I got the map here. We have to go to Paris, the Versailles ." Christie suggested as I gave her a confused look.

     "How do you know where he lives?" I questioned her.

     "My Nanna did a tracking spell." She smiled confidently. "She showed me how to do it if we get lost  . After we get to Spain he lives in the Versailles Hotel." She smiles to me and I instantly smiled back.  Its really going to happen. I'm going to meet my father.

    "I have to make a trip to my mothers quick." I dart out the door and down the street. I got to my mothers and knocked on the door. Soon my aunt Tanya answered and waved me in. Everyone else was sitting on the couch. I spilled the beans as soon as possible.

    "Im going to the United Kingdom!" I smiled wide but they never gave back an expression except my mother.

    "Why would you do that?" She asked in confusion.

     "I'm going to find Patrick. I need to know my father. I want to find him and talk to him." I replied.

     "Karlie, it's too dangerous." My mom pleaded for me to change my mind but it was not going to work. I had a challenge i needed to succeed.

   "Mom, I have a bunch of friends going with me. Christie, Rae and a couple guys who are gonna be protecting us. I'm not taking no for an answer. I need to do this. For my sake." I pleaded with sad eyes. Mark stood and rubbed his chin, squinting.

    "Let her go." He walked to the island, grabbed a pen and a sticky note, and started writing. I stood their in astonishment. He has always been the one that had the faith in me. As he walked over to me he gave me a small smile and a warm hug.

    "This is our number. If you need anything, call me ill be there in moments." He handed me the note as he reached into his pocket and handed me my fathers vile of blood. As I stuck the paper in my pocket and the Vile in my bra my mother and Tanya had gave me a hug and wished me luck.   After lecturing me to call and to be careful I left and headed back to Rae's.
When I walked through the door Christie, Rae, Laurent, The wolf-sniffer, and another man I have  never seen in my life. His face was perfectly shaped as his eyebrows creased while watching all of us. He has short tamed hair that is pointing up in the air in the front. He was beautiful. Everyone all in a circle with a bunch of candles lit.
     "Are you ready to go?" Christie had asked. There was an empty spot in between Christie and the other man where my bag laid. I smiled and sat next to Christie. I opened my bag and put the note in one of my jeans pocket. I had put the vile of blood in the same box that the rings where in.  I smiled and hugged Christie quickly.

     "How will I take my bag?"

     "Just touch it and it will come." She smiles back. Rae yells for Mimi and gives her a kiss on the head.

       "Be a good girl Mimi." Mimi runs and hops onto the couch whimpering and jumping up and down.

   "Everyone hold hands." Christie informed all of us. I held my hand out to Christie and the stranger.  My whole body went completely numb as the stranger gently held my hand my hand. Soon i was seeing stars, i had looked at him and noticed he was staring at me with wide eyes.
I could hear Christie chanting in the background 

      "No one shall notice that I am gone, From the dark of night to the peak of dawn.Teleport me to what I wish to see, Teleport me so mote it be." She says this multiple times. I could not take my eyes off of this handsome stranger. His eyes emerald green, his hair jet black, his tone dark yet satisfying. His muscles, and soon everything went white.

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