Ch. 9- Laurents Specialties

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    The ride home to Rae's apartment seemed to last forever. I didn't know how I would come about Nora. What if she knew about me already? If she didn't should I just go and kill her now, being that she wouldn't see me coming or would she see me coming if I got close? Will that man go and nark on me. So many things where going through my head. The drive was quiet until I decided to take my cigarette pack out of my back pocket.

    "What are you doing? What the hell Karlie!?" Christie yelled at me and before I could even answer her she grabbed the pack from my hands and threw them out the Window.

   "What the hell was that for?!" I yelled back feeling ashamed of my bad habit. "I'm already dead so what does it matter. "

"Its a very disgusting habit! And there's no smoking in the jeep! " She pulled into the apartment driveway and shut the engine off.

   "Look I know that all of this has to be pretty tough and is probably alot to take in but...." her voice faded and she put her hands on the steering wheel and sighed. I didn't want to hear it so I decided to get out of the jeep.

     When I started walking up the steps to the apartment I glanced around and seen Christie locking her doors. I felt a weird urge that someone was watching me. I looked around some more and didn't see anything out of the ordinary but knew something was out there. I thought I was just going crazy until I seen those bright blue eyes staring back at me.

    If I had a heart it would have dropped dead in its tracks right there. I was stuck like a stone statue. He was right across the street in an alley way. The man I met in the woods.

   "Karlie?" Christie had looked at me as I glanced at her and when we both looked back in the direction of the man he was gone. I kept searching for him until Christie opened the door and pulled me into the apartment as she sighed.

   "Maybe you should get some sleep. Your acting weird. " Christie said as she set down her jacket and purse.

  "Rae! We're back." Escaped from Christie's lips.  I walked over to the kitchen as Rae handed me a glass of wine. I sipped at the wine and made a funny face as I realised it was Arbor Mist strawberry wine. The one kind I hate. I poured the contents down the drain and opened the fridge for a twisted tea.

      "Hey baby! " I glanced over to see Laurent walking towards Christie and wrapping her into a tight hug with a twirl.  Did I really see that man or am I just already obsessed with him. He had those amazing blue eyes. No Karlie stop it. The words that slipped out of Christie's mouth surprised me.

    "So what took you so long to get to your moms?" She sat down on the couch pulling Laurent down with her.

   "Oh. Well I met this guy in the woods." I hesitated.

   "Ohh Karlie's got a boy toy!" I heard Rae's voice from the kitchen as she walked into the living room sucking on a blood pouch with big black letters on the front that read RABBIT. Showing that the type of blood she was drinking was from a poor little bunny. I didn't notice the other two bags in her hand until she threw it at me and I caught it in the blink of an eye with my super speed. I bit into the package sucking the blood from it but just as fast spitting it up. I looked at the package and seen it was pig blood.

   I put the bag on the table and ran to the bathroom. Hovering over the toilet, I tried to throw it back up but it wouldn't come. However, not being able to puke it up I walked back out to the living room and gave Rae a disgusted look.

    "Do you mind not trying to poison me with nasty blood!" I said and she chuckled throwing me another bag of blood that said A positive. I slowly put it to my mouth knowing it was human blood and took the first sip. I looked back up at Rae. I could feel the pressure in my eyes as I drank the whole package in less than a minute.

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