Ch. 16 - Emotions

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            When I had woke up from the white light I sat right directly in front of a beach. The sun burned my eyes as the sea salted water splashed against the soft sand. I ran sand through my fingers as a smile displayed on my lips. I thought about Christie and my friends. I stood to my feet and spun in circles looking for anyone. Suddenly I seen Rae walking into the woods. I ran to follow her and walked into the forest.  Walking into the cool shaded area, I could hear voices as  I approached them. Christie and Laurent were cuddled with a blanket under a tarp that someone must have brought for shelter. Rae was cooking what looked like squirrels on a hand made fire. The stranger that had been watching me was helping Rae cook. Then I met those eyes. Staring right at me as if I am the only person he sees.

            "Hey your awake. How was your nap?" Christie interrupted my thoughts of seducing the gorgeous green eyed man staring at me.  I smiled back at her, nodding. 

           "The sun felt amazing but thanks for not leaving me to burn." I teased Rae gently. Turning to look around I notice my purple and black duffel bag next to a wide empty spot with ferns, leaves,and branches over top to stay safe from the rain. I walked over to the spot. 

          "Who did this?" I asked not looking at all of them.

          "I made that for you." I heard the green eyed man reply right next to my ear in an accent so smooth. The stranger stood breathing lightly in my ear as my hair slightly waved into my face. I could feel my soul being devoured by his presence. I turn slowly to face him and find myself looking up a good distance.

        "Thank you. What's your name?" I asked trying not to shudder my words under his gaze.

        "Adrian.  And yours miss?"" His voice made me want to melt. 

          "Karlie." A Breath escaped my lips in a rush as I spoke my name to him. I felt out of breath. If my heart beat could start back up it would be beating out of my chest. This man, Adrian, the man who stole my breath and made me vulnerable. I hated it but did not want to stop it. My eyes stayed locked into his as he walked backwards with a smirk.

             "Oh, Karlie by the way this is Liam. Considering he never told his name. Until you left for your mothers and they showed up." Rae interrupted. My head shot to his direction as I rolled my eyes at him. That man however can go kick dirt. He annoyed me every second I seen him.  I grabbed my blanket and walked over to a log that was high enough to lean on. I sat myself down against the log. My blanket covering my toes to my thighs. 

                    "Its a little chilly." I proposed to everyone. They all shook their heads as I smiled awkwardly. My eyes skim towards Adrian. Quickly pulling my eyes off him I noticed him staring again. What is wrong with me? My head was buzzing as I notice myself starting to fall asleep. My eyes lips got heavy as my body began to shut down into sleep.

                 A while later I awoke to everyone else sleeping. This was recuperation time before we started our travel. Christie and Laurent wound need it considering they cant travel like the rest of us. As I sat in silence my stomach started to growl at me. Instantly knowing it wasn't for regular food but for blood. I Stood up quietly not waking anyone, stretched all my limbs and yawned twice I noticed a couple coolers. I opened one and there was bottles of beer, water and cool aid. I sighed and flipped open the other one and found blood bags at the bottom. Reaching down to get the silver package out and yanking it back up I slammed the lid shut accidentally. I looked in front of me to hear if anyone was moving or awake, no sound had manage to rumble up as I dug my teeth into the silver pouch. 

                 "Your very loud." A accented whisper said in my ear as I jumped and spun around squeezing my pouch and spraying Adrian in the face with the blood.

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