Ch. 14- Control

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     "Hey, Creepy werewolf sniffer!!" Rae had yelled into the forest as she stomped on fragile twigs a squirrel could break.

    "Come out, come out wherever you are."

"I don't think he is here Rae. Can we just go, we don't need him." I tried to convince her but she just rolled her eyes at me and kept calling him. As she called for this man I decided to sit on a log peacefully watching all the bugs fly around us. One good thing about being a vampire, the bugs really don't bother you.

     I had lost my thoughts when i heard something in the bushes behind me. When I turn around to look, I came face to face with the blue eyed beauty.

     "Hello gorgeous." He says with a smile displayed on his face.  I rolled my eyes and looked back at Rae. She walks up to him seductively.

      "Hey. I have a favor to ask." She touched his forearm and speaks slow. "How would you like to go on a little field trip with me and my girls. We could use a buff man like you to keep us safe." She walks around him all sexy like and comes back face to face with him fluttering her eyelashes at him. This girl new what she was doing and it seemed to be working. He didn't say no exactly.  He gets closer to her face and whispers.

"What makes you think I would help a vampire."

     "Well, you have been stalking my friend here for quite a while and what is a better stalker than when your right next to her." Rae had his jacket buttons in her hands as she undoes the top button seductivley.

    "Where you headed. And how are you getting there?" He asked in a bored manner. However, he still hasn't said no.

    "Europe, well , that general area." Rae said confidently.

      "I see. So the girl can look for her daddy." He took a long pause and squinted at me then spoke in a dark tone.
     "No." He said as he tried to walk past us but Rae stopped him.

      "Look, we are gonna need someone like you to help us through this. So either you come or find someone who can." Exclaimed Rae in a snotty way.

     "So. Your saying if I don't go I have to find you someone who can protect you guys from any danger. Why would I put my men put on the line for a bunch of girly Vampires."

    "Because, she's important. And you know that. If you didn't you would have killed her the second she stepped foot on your territory. So bring one or two of your buddies and meet us at this address in the AM. Preferably 8 sharp." She grabs a piece of paper out of her back pocket and stuffs it in his top jacket pocket lightly and taps on his face. "See ya then."

     I watch as he gives her a smirk. He leans into her ear and whispers something that I had to really focus on to hear.

     "Your right, she is important to only some. Ill see you then. By the way, your sexier when your mad dominant."

       And just as he finishes his sentence he disappears into thin air like before.  I notice myself smiling at Rae's smirk after he leaves. She turns around and realizes I'm staring at her with a smile on my face.

    "What?" She asked in a snotty way.  I giggle and stand from my log. I give her an exaggerated look and start walking away.

      "Nothing." When we start walking home I couldn't help but open my mouth to Rae.

    "I think he likes you. And what did he mean by I'm important to only some? I mean if I'm supposed to take over Nora's spot in royalty then what does the werewolf's have anything to do with it?"

        "I have no clue Kar but we need to go get some rest. We have a long ass day tomorrow. Race ya?"  Before I can say anything she darts.

     "Cheater!!" I Yell as I dart toward her.  The wind goes by my face and I get a strong stench of blood and,my whole body redirects and turns the other way. My feet start to move fast as I hear Rae Scream my name. My whole body is in overdrive as my senses become clearer with every step.

     Soon I'm at the beach where I can smell the blood stronger. I follow the smell to behind a couple of big boulders where there are three enormous guys pounding on a smaller guy who is bleeding all over. My body doesn't care about anything except for the blood on this straggly man.  I walk over and show my fangs to the big dudes as they look at me with anticipation. I growl and show my teeth again. I could feel my eyes changing color as the two men run off with scared expressions. I couldn't help my body from walking over to the half lifeless man who pulls himself up onto the rocks and looks at me in horror.

      My body gets pulled to him with ever breath I take. Finally I'm leaning next to him as the words escape my lips.
      "I'm sorry." I try to stop myself but my body is stronger than my conscience, my teeth sink into his neck as I suck in almost every ounce of his blood.

      Suddenly I'm in the air being thrown as I look down and see Rae. I land on my hands and feet but want to fight her for this food that I have managed to devour halfway. I go for it. Rae stops me by putting her hand out to me.

     "No Karlie. Control it. This is an innocent human being. You don't want him. You want the blood bags at home. You don't want to hurt or possibly kill this man."

         My body must have gone limp as I fell to my knees with my humanity back. Instantly the tears well up in my eyes. My whole body went numb as I realized I did almost kill this man with my bare hands. All because I'm a monster. I look up at Raelyn whose takes out a vile from the side of her bra. This container had bright yellow liquid inside as she unscrews the top and puts it to the man's tiny pink lips making the man drink. She lifts him onto the rock and takes his already ripped up shirt and puts it under his head.

      Before she has the chance to look at me again I had already gone and run away from the scene. I begin to hate myself. To hate that this is my life now. I would rather have Kevin beat me  a million more times than for me to lose control like that again and almost kill someone. I had ended back up in the woods. But not the same ones as the werewolf territory. These woods were lifeless and quiet. Too quiet. I had found myself a fallen down tree to sit on as I cried to myself in horror.

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