Ch. 13- Girl or Boy

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     Raelyn and I had walked the rest of the way home in silence. It was still pretty early as the sun was beaming brightly on my tan skin.

    "Rae, do you care if I go to my moms today. I would like to show these rings to her. "  Rae looked at me in a dumbfounded look.

   "Shouldn't you wait until you find your father?"  Realisation hit me, that really is the first thing I'm going to do. My mother had told me he's a villager in the British colony. That's where I'm going. That's where I have to find my father, bring him here and give them the rings together. I couldn't help but feel bad for Mark. He has been in the family for quite a long time and I hope he stays after this. I hadn't talked to Rae much on the way back home after that.

      As we walked through the door Christie and Laurent where making breakfast in the kitchen as they were both slow dancing. Durant Lauren told her twice and then pulled her close to him as his lips met hers. As they separated they turned to look to see who was staring at them. Both of them each had a smile plastered to their faces. However, the passionate moment ended when they noticed us. Christie blushing a shade of rose petal red.

    "How was your trip guys??" sorry we didn't go. We where kinda held up this morning." Laurent glared at Christie with admirable eyes as she giggled to him and he dipped her to the music laughing.  I giggle as Rae had rolled her eyes in disgust at the cute couple. I plopped onto the couch and after a moment something was touching my leg. I look down to see nothing. Shrugging my shoulders I reached for the TV remote when suddenly I felt something on my lap, realizing Mimi was invisible and laying on me. As I set my hand down to pet her I could feel her soft fur. But still she refused to let me see her. It's a crazy feeling something you can't see. It's like being blind and only being able to feel the objects around you, or when you have to read those little letters with your fingers that are on the books for blind people.

   Rae walked back in with two plates of eggs, toast, bacon and sausage. As she handed me a plate we sat next to each other watching legally blonde and eating our breakfast. I could hear Mimi purr as she became visible to me, she has sat right next to me on the couch staring at my plate.

   "What do you want Mimi." I asked child-like as I moved my hands from my plate. Her head tilted to,the side as she sniffed the eggs and looked at me.

     "What? Eggs?" I picked up a little bit of egg and held it,out to her as a little smooth, black, suction cup, tongue came out and slurped up the egg.  Rae glared at Mimi.

    "You are kidding, right Mimi. Eggs. All this time. You decide your going to like eggs. Laurent! Make Mimi a plate of scrambled eggs."

    "Coming right up Mimi!" Laurent said as he cracked two eggs and set them in the pan throwing the shells into the trash. Christie in an orderly manor pouring some milk into the pan as well.

    Mimi ran into the kitchen as if she knew what Rae had ordered Laurent to do. Her big, furry feet slapping against the floor and before I knew it she disappeared. Then out of nowhere I could hear Laurent and Christie laughing .  Mimi  had  jumped  on to Laurent's shoulders and was purring and his ear Softly .  The tickle  from her  breath  made him laugh uncontrollably . Mimi finished her scrambled eggs quickly and went around to all of us for more.

    "So what did Clyde have to say?" Christie asked the dark haired goddess as she sat down in between Raelyn and I.

     "Nothing really. Gave me this liquid stuff to give to Mimi. If she pukes brown she's female, if she pukes red, she's male.  I'm nervous to do it. I really want her to be a female. " Rae pulled the Vile out of her pocket and handed the black clumpy liquid to Christie. As Christie observed the black liquid, Laurent chimed in.

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