Ch. 18- Angels and Devils

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                    As I sat on a boulder in the grass looking over the river, I waited for the sun to rise. There was pods of dew on the grass that sprouted out of the soft dirt underneath. My index finger touching each bubble as it slides its way from the tip of the grass leaves, to the thick bottom and into the soil. My mind wandered around the mystical place. It felt safe and comfortable. Andorra felt like home to me and the only thing keeping me from staying was my father and family. I had actually been in a good mood today, only because we aren't far from Versailles.  The breeze hit my face like a soft blow. The moon was almost down on the west while the sun fought the clouds to warm the earth with its rays on the east. I could hear footsteps coming to me. They where soft but normal speed. The persons breathing was shallow and slow. I instantly felt warmth and that's when I realized it was Adrian.

                 "Beautiful view." He had mentioned while setting onto the boulder next to me.

                 "Absolutly." I replied with a small smile displaying on my lips. I looked at him to see his hair ruffled up from a good nights sleep. 

                "You must have slept good last night." I giggled at him.

                He gave me a quick smile as he touched the top of my hand with his index finger. My body wanted to move even closer to him but I fought it.

               "I know you feel it too Karlie." His words shock me confronting me again. Why couldn't he let it go? Get over it. In reality I couldn't either. I looked up into his stunning green eyes as they changed to a dark blue-ish green. 

               " Yes I feel it but that doesn't mean I know what it is. Yeah, I get it every second you speak, every second you even look at me." I replied a little too dramatically.  

             "It means there's something bringing us together. You're my anchor. The reason I'm still able to be on this planet. A passion for each other. A love in a past life. I know you. Since I touched you, your whole life came to me like a book." I stared into his eyes as he said every word.

           "It came to you like a book?" I asked in utter confusion. He stands up fast and takes my hand. I give him a confused look. He whips his blue t-shirt off. Spins so his back is facing me. The skin on his back starts to rip open and bleed. I cover my mouth in horror as I step back, watching two beautiful white wings rip his flesh open and spread to both sides of his body. I couldn't breath, he spun around slowly and looked me in the eyes, looking right through my soul.

            "I am an angel. I have no other business on this planet than to keep you safe. When I was only a baby I had died at the hands of a soldier. I jumped in front of my brother as a bullet went through me. I saved my brother. The gods had told me I could stay in heaven, or wait till I was 21 to come to earth as an angel, to keep one person safe. They gave me this book." He took a tiny black book from his pants pocket and opened it pointing to writing I couldn't understand. This is your name, Karlie Lynn Milani, granddaughter of the royal family. Your name was the first one I read. I was drawn to your name in this book. You are my anchor to stay here Karlie, you are my second chance at life. You are my life." He put his hand on my cheek and caressed my face in his soft hand. No words could come out of my mouth. I stared down at the book he held simply.

               "I don't understand." I mentioned confused. I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face as it pushed it's way through the horizon. 

             "Understand this." He motioned. My body went limp as Adrian brought his face close to mine in slow motion. My eyes closing naturally to the instinct of this beautiful beast. His lips touch mine as my lips plead for more. Adrian wraps his arms around my waist slowly pulling me closer to him. I could feel the warmth radiating off his body and onto mine.  The kiss was passionate and comfortable, my lips connecting perfectly with his with every kiss as he caresses me softly. My whole body being charged by the kiss that sent me to believe I had no worries. No problems. Too soon, he slowly releases me and kisses me on the forehead. A thousand butterflies fleeing in my stomach. His lips still close to my forehead as he speaks in rustic whispers.

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