Ch. 11- Mimi

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   Rae and I had walked back to the house. After the events of today, I was drained. The run to the beach and the woods really helped stretch out my muscles. I plopped onto the couch after Rae had revealed we would go to Clyde's tomorrow. The first thing that came to mind was that I forgot to go see my family. Shrugging it off, I could always just go again soon. I walked to the kitchen realizing Christie and Laurent weren't back yet.

    "Hey, I'm gonna run downstairs for a snack, ok?" I told Rae as she sat against the counter nodding while tapping away on her phone. As I walked away she looked at me in a seductive way.

     " I really think your stalker is kinda cute." She giggled and walked back to the living room. I guess he is pretty cute, in a deadly sort of way.   I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself as I opened the door to the basement. Walking down the steps this time was a bit nerve wrecking since I've been hearing all these weird noises. I stepped from the last step and noticed a bunch of dolls and candles that where lit up on the wooden beam that led from one wall to the other side of the basement. That's a little weird. They were not there before, I thought to myself.

    I picked up a purple candle and lifted it to my nose. Instantly I knew what flavor it was, lavender, the best candle wax to ever be made. I smiled to myself as I set the candle down, turned around to go to the coffin when I noticed all the water from the dish on the floor for Rae's cat was gone. I should tell her when I got back upstairs.

    I turned completely around to come face to face with the coffin. A small creepy creature was sitting on top of the coffin with a candle and a doll next to it as it was licking its feet. I was frozen for atleast two seconds of serious fear and astonishment, for this fluffy, alien like thing, before screaming my head off.

     "Ahhhh!" The creatures eyes had widened as it made a screeching sound too, it's  tail flicked and electricity hit the cement next to me cracking it, as it jumped up to the ceiling. Every step it took its feet stuck to the ceiling like glue, as it was walking upside down.

"RAE! THERE'S SOMETHING IN YOUR BASEMENT!!!!" I turned around and darted toward the cellar steps as soon as the creature hid behind a big rusty pipe on the ceiling.

   Running up the steps, I noticed Rae at the top looking at me concerned with a red solo cup in her hands.

    "There....there's a...thing." I studered stupidly to tell Rae what I had seen. A wide smile displayed across her lips. She started walking down the steps.

    "Will you chill. She's my pet. She's as innocent as a kitten." She said passing by me and heading for the basement. I tiptoed down the steps again making sure I can make a run for it again if I have to.

    "Your pet? It doesn't look like a damn pet Rae! And I thought you had a Cat not a...a." Rae cut me off with a shh sound as she started talking in a motherly like tone.

     "Come on, Mimi. It's ok I got you some water baby. Come on." Nothing came out and Rae whipped around and pointed at the cracked cement.

     "You scared her!" She walked over emptying the cup into the creatures water dish and throwing it in the big garbage bucket against the wall.

  "I scared her? I think it was the other way around." I said as I searched for the creature, I could here a strange wining sound. It sounded like a baby crying but it had a growl to it.   Rae reached up to one of the pipes on the ceiling and starting cooing to the little creature. Soon the crying and growling stopped. As I stepped closer, the creature climbed down her arm and wrapped it's feet around her neck. It was only the size of a gallon of milk . It's eyes where jet black and its head and feet where the biggest part of its body. It's front feet seemed to be very tiny and tucked close to it's torso. Almost like a dinosaur. The creature was fluffy and a smokey grey color.

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