Ch. 20- The Witch In Me

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              Laurent, Rae, and Christie all huddled together with terrified looks on their faces. I couldn't help but wonder if Adrian was alright. My heart hurt while he was up there with that wicked women. After minutes of being in the underground we all see a bright light shine down to the floor. Some one was coming down. I had hope that it was Adrian. I could see the person shoes, legs, torso and eventually his face. He was a stranger to me. I had never met this man in my life and he was intimidating as he walked closer.

        "Karlie?" His voice ringed in my ears as he got closer. Suddenly it clicked. This man was Patrick Soco. The man I had been so eager to meet. I had forgot that I was even looking for him. Adrian had turned my head completely around with his seductiveness. My heart started to pound as he walked up and hugged me. He hugs me tightly and happiness runs through my body as I realize he remembers me. From the day I was an infant he still remembers. I hugged him back like I've known him for years. 

        "You need to go back home. With your mother. You cant stay here. You're risking your life." He spoke as he let go of me.  Christie walked up to us. I remembered why we where on this adventure. Christie's mother is in that castle somewhere also. I'm going to make things right. If anyone deserves it, its her.

          "I'm not leaving. Christie's Family is in that castle. I just needed to find you and give you something." I had remembered the rings where in the girly jar Christie had shoved all our luggage into. Christie nudges me as I look over at her with the box magically appearing in her hands. I smile happily as I took the box from her. 

          "A troll in North Carolina made these for you and my mother years ago." I had opened the box and took the vile out, spinning the box toward him and revealing the two wooden hand made rings. His mouth opened in awe, as he glared at the rings.

          "You met the great Clyde. What a wonderful creature." He had took his ring out of the wooden engraved box and sighed.

       "We are two completely different people now Karlie. I'm positive she has moved on from me. I have a life here with all of my villagers." He said in utter sadness.

       "Wait. Here? You live in Andorra?" Christie asked with a confused look as Patrick shook his head yes. 

         "My grandma said you where in France." She questioned him.

         "I was about a week ago. I had duties to take care of there." He explained although did not mention the duties he had to accomplish.

          "Wheres Nora?" Are the words that slipped off my lips next.

            "She's still up there. Come." He said. My whole body froze.

          "What?" I replied in confusion.

          "You must meet her she is your grandmother." He looked at me with pleading eyes. 

          "Are you crazy, she wants to keep me here. She wants me to be part of her kingdom. She wants to use me as a weapon." I said frantically as Christie swooped her arm in mine for comfort.

           He gave me a stern look as he walked closer to us, he stood there in silence for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. 

         "Well, if that is the case then stay here. Ill be back when she's gone." He rubs my head like a child as he hugs me quickly and starts walking back up the ladder.  Christie looks at me as if shes building up the courage to go up too. 

         "I need to meet the women that has my mother Karlie." She insisted as she started to walk toward the ladder. Laurent fast on her heels, grabbing her arm.

        "I'm going with you." He encouraged her.   My heart pounded as I realized I was going too. My foot steps in front of me as the other follows. I start to climb the ladder shakily. Rae underneath me as she follows intently.  As I rose from the underground I could hear Christie's scream. I dart into the man made home as I see Emanuel holding Liam's bloody throat. 

         Everything went into slow motion. Rae running in front of me to see her beloved. Christie was crying into Laurent's shirt shaking uncontrollably. I could smell the wolfs blood as he gasps for air that wont come. My body shaking violently as I look to see Fawn hovering over Emanuel with fear.  My body freezes as I hear the cries and whimpers of everyone in the room, as I realize Adrian isn't here. I dart for the outside but Fawn stops me quicker than I could leave.

      "Do not go out there. She is still here."

        "Wheres Adrian?" I asked more rudely than planned.

      "I don't know but we have a half dead wolf to worry about right now."  Christie walks up to me with tear filled eyes. 

       "You can save him Karlie. Where already close to being caught. Ur a witch, you can save him." 

         "What? How?" I asked confused as normal. We both walked over to Liam as his eyes where huge and bloodshot. His hair all a mess. We knelt down next to Emanuel who had his hands pressed around Liam's neck with a bloody rag, I look up to see a single tear drop fall from his watery eyes. 

             "Karlie, put your hands on his throat." Christie mentioned. As Emanuel moved his hands, my hands where quick to replace them. The blood instantly seeping through the rag onto my pale fingers. Christie had left me for a second as I kept telling Liam it was going to be alright.  Christie came back looking down on Liam. Her eyes petrified and filled with horror. She has a towel in her hand and put it under Liam's head.

             "Ill say the chant once and you must say it after me. Listen and learn quickly we don't have much time." Christie informed me as I took a deep breath to listen.

   "Burn the sickness in your flame, Burn the sickness that would maim.  

Burn the illness by your might Burn the illness in your light.  

Heal him of illness and pain Heal him of all that is bane.  

Heal him and set him free." 

                Her chant was loud and clear as I did my best to follow. I had repeated it over and over, with her until a sharp pain filled my head. Scrunching my eyebrows in pain I hesitated then remained strong as I kept up with Christie and her words. My eyes shut closed tightly. My hands had started to shake as I pushed down a little more on his wounded neck. I could feel my nose start to bleed along with my ears. My eyes pained me as I shut them tighter and let the power of my witch expand.
"Burn the sickness in your flame Burn the sickness that would maim.
Burn the illness by your might Burn the illness in your light.
Heal him of illness and pain Heal him of all that is bane.
Heal him and set him free With my will"

                 I could hear myself faintly chanting as my whole body went numb. I stopped to look up to see everyone staring at me. I looked down and removed my hands from Liam's neck. I smiled in relief as his bloody neck was healed. His breathing was regular as he looked up at me in awe.  I wiped my nose of the blood and stood up. Christie smiled at me and took the towel from Liam who stood effortlessly.  Suddenly I remembered the vile I had placed in my pocket. I reached for it as I felt the round shaped holder. Not wanting to drink the blood yet, I kept it in my pocket.  Emanuel tried to feel for me as I gave him my hand in satisfaction.

           "You my dear are an amazing women." He held onto my hand with both hands and shook them in an honorably way.   Fawn had stood behind him as she smiled at me and nodded. Rae and Liam had hugged in a way that was more than just friendly. She hugged him tightly as she kissed his neck several times with tears streaming out of her eyes. At one point, I thought I heard her tell him she loved him.  My throat started to burn as I could feel my hunger but the pain was bearable. My father had walked back into the home as he had a look of negativity. 

          "Why would you open up your powers. You said she's looking for you!" He yelled.
However, I wasn't scared or frightened anymore. I was ready for her to come for me. I raised my head in triumph.

          "Let her come."

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