V. Weird Dreams

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Sorry for the long wait, but I was extremely bust with university.

In the picture you can see Mia's office. I thought it was a good idea to show you what kind of spaces I had in mind. For me, it makes any reading experience more fun.

How about you, lovelies?

Enjoy. By the way, this chapter contains mature content at the end. So consider yourself warned.


I was left alone in the meeting room, still writing some key words down. Most of the people had said goodbye and wished me a happy time here at SC. Louis, Liam and Mr Twist were the first ones to offer me a hand with the clean-up, yet I declined. It definitely wasn't part of their jobs, but it was a really sweet gesture anyway, as always.

Sex God didn't even say a word to me. He just came in late, did his thing during the meeting and afterwards ran off with the She-Devil without even asking for the notes. I didn't mind though, honestly, I couldn't care less. As long as he was satisfied with my work performances, I was happy. Sure, it would've been nice to have a boss like Louis or Liam, yet it wasn't the case. I just had to stop bitching and deal with it.

When my notes were done, I stood up and started to clean up all the plates and cutlery. Tina told me Jules would come and pick it up, but I didn't want to leave the poor guy with all the dirty dishes everywhere, that was simply  disrespectful. Once I was done with that, I grabbed my things and went back to my office. I checked my watch and saw that it was already seven in the evening. Jeez, a three hour meeting. Is it every week like that?

I connected my laptop with the socket and placed my notes on my desk next to my laptop. I checked them one last time, so I could type them and put them in a neat lay out. Once I started typing and correcting or changing my sentences here and there, the time flew by. I checked the time on my phone and saw it was almost nine o'clock.

I really wanted these notes done so I could give them to Styles. He probably wouldn't be in his office anymore, but I thought it would give a good impression. You know, him coming in tomorrow morning and seeing the papers neatly stacked on his desk with a note that said:

These are the notes from the meeting you asked for.

Yeah, I liked the idea, so I kept on working until I was done at half past nine. I hadn't eaten yet and my stomach was clearly not happy about that. I quickly printed the notes, shut off my laptop and packed my bag. I checked my office to see if I hadn't forgotten anything and lastly turned off the lights. I locked my office door and started walking towards Sex God's office, but I immediately stopped at the door once I saw that the lights were still on. He was still here? I thought he had already left with that She-Devil bitch, not that I cared about him and her. Whatever their deal was.

I gulped a few times and knocked softly on the door. I heard a few papers being shuffled and a clearing of the throat. I waited, but didn't hear any signs to come in. So I knocked again. Why did everything always have to go wrong when I was near this man?

"Come in." His deep voice ordered. I don't know why but every time I heard the rasp in it, well, it gave me shivers, and yes, it was in a good way.

I opened the door and looked at him. He was standing in front of his huge window/wall with his back facing me. Damn he had a good posture. I mean he didn't stand up straight like a statue, his shoulders hung a little, yet in a confident way. Such a paradox. He was tall and had broad shoulders, yet not too broad. He also had very lean hips which made my mind wonder of a little too much. I quickly shook my head to clear my thoughts and stepped closer towards his desk.

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