VII. Busted

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I'm so sorry for the terribly long wait. I'm really ashamed of it. My exams still aren't over, far from it. But I wanted to post at least something for the beginning of another year. Can you imagine it's already 2016. Time really does fly. Not sure I'm having fun though. You?

Anyway Enjoy this one. By the way, this chapter contains mature content. So...yeah... It's not that bad, there will be worst in the future. So if you don't like it, skip that little part. But it's kind of necessary for the story to know what happens in this chapter.


After two weeks of work, I was changing my life around. I embraced and cherished that for as much as I could. After waiting for twenty something years, I was becoming someone better, more confident and finally making friends.

Mr. Styles, however, was still an arse. Yet I learned to deal with it pretty quickly. Against all logic and reason, women in this company, who were each one of them stunning, still found reasons to be jealous of me. It probably had something to do with me working closely with Styles and thus having many opportunities to make an advance towards him. How silly of those women to actually think I would make a move and to actually think Styles would acknowledge me. Nevertheless, they didn't know what kind of dickhead he really was. So bless them.

I did notice certain things, things only an attentive assistant could spot. Things that not everyone in this company needed to know, I reckoned. For example, Louis and Liam were much closer to Styles than I originally thought. I could hear them laugh whenever they had little meetings together, which surprised me, considering the professionalism of Styles. Yet whenever I had to bring him some papers or something to drink during the meetings, he seemed a completely different person, a warm and caring person even. The person I had met that one night in that dodgy little night shop.

And yes, after my whole stunt with the tea and the scones during that first meeting, which apparently was unheard off, I had to provide food and beverages during every single meeting. I considered it as a sign that Mr Styles did actually like it and that he did think I wasn't so bad at my job.

I discovered that Mr Twist was his step father and this was a well kept secret only few people knew about. Apparently Mr Styles had a lot of competition when it came down to running this business. If people knew Mr Twist and Mr Styles were in any kind related, they might assume the worst. The perfect professional reputation Mr Styles had, could get ruined. Rumours about his incompetence might circulate. But if there was one thing untrue, it was that Harry Styles was unable to run his own company.

Even though I wasn't his biggest fan, when it came down to protecting his reputation, I would to do it. It was the right and honest thing to do. Harry Styles was damn good at what he did. True Story.

Yet this information wasn't just whispered in my ear by some random person in the street. It was Mr Twist or Robin, as he wants me to call, himself who said it himself. He trusted me and unlike his stepson, he actually did compliment my work. He took me under his wing and stood up for me if necessary. Just as Liam and Louis did, by the way.

But the most juicy gossip I discovered was about Beth Taylor. She was something else. Always flaunting around in high heels and really tight dresses. I didn't trust her, didn't like her and the feeling was definitely mutual.
Yet Sex God seemed to like her enough. He was always so charming with her, so well mannered. If they were having some kind of relationship, I would only be half surprised. Excuse me for my manners and cruel assumptions, but Beth seemed like the kind of person who would sleep with anyone to get what she wanted.

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