Author's Note

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When I started this story, I honestly believed no one would read it. If the first chapters got 10 reads, I was already over the moon with joy. I remember begging my first reader and dear friend JadieMiller to read it and comment because she was writing her first book at the time which still is absolutely fabulous. She did as I asked and has been supporting me ever since. We help each other out when we're a little stuck and that means so much to me.

So thank you, Jadie.

I continued writing, even though I had barely people reading it, because I love writing and mostly creating emotional rollercoasters for people, hence the ending. I did my thing and that was that. I grew so fond of Mia and her transition into a grown woman. When I finally figured out where I wanted the story to end, I grew more and more exited. That obviously doesn't mean I wasn't secretly hoping more people to discover Substance over Styles.

But the moment there was this little boom of lovely readers discovering it, I just couldn't believe it. The number of reads kept on growing and growing and my smile kept on spreading because of all the lovely people I met along the way. The comments I've read made me laugh and happy, but also helped me shape the story. Of some of you I got criticism and I want to thank those who did it for always staying respectful towards my writing. I immensely appreciate it and really helped me out.

This story really became my baby. It's my first completed story and I love it. I will always cherish it and I won't forget the bonus chapters I promised you. I have no clue how to start them up, so it's going to take some time. So keep this book in your library or archive and maybe read my other books in the meantime.

Then, most importantly, thank you for sticking with me and getting through until the end. Thank you so much for being you and being my reader. I love you and if I could meet all of you and talk to you, I so would. Whether you stayed anonymous or whether you commented regularly, it doesn't matter. What's most important is that you had a good time while reading this.

A special thank you to all the ones that did decide to comment and keep on asking me to update. You know who you are...

Once again a massive thank you and I'll hopefully hear from you in Concupiscence.

So for the last time (sort of)

Lots of love


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