XVIII. Lovely Surprises

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I'm back babes... Enjoy this update. I think I'm going to stick with a weekly updating schedule. I like some routine once in a while. Anything fun happening in your lives? Mine is still at a status quo. Nothing is happening except for Uni.



After helping Jules preparing the buffet and grabbing my laptop and the necessary files for the meeting, I was surprised with the presence of Mr Twist in the meeting room, which made me extremely nervous. I walked to my usual spot, the one Beth Taylor so kindly ordered me to on my first day. I put my belongings down and went to grab some tea with cream and a scone.

It was the second time today that I didn't know what to say, which to Mr Twist, was a strange development. I became accustomed to the meetings and my place at Styles Corporations. I was the shy type, for sure, but when it came down to my skills and talents, confidence took over my being which clashed with my poor social skills, hence the awkwardness.

But at the office, my surroundings became familiar. People started to know me as someone other than the newbie. I was Mr Styles's assistant, the one who knew what she was doing, the one who could actually work with such an exceedingly needy man. A low self-esteem wasn't necessary anymore, especially with the change of look.

So to say that me being so silent to Mr Twist, a man who had always been incredibly nice to me, was a very strange development.

Once I had made my tea to my liking and took a scone with some strawberry jam and whipped cream, I turned back to my spot and stood behind my chair. I looked up at Mr Twist who was doing the exact same thing I was and I smiled.

"You don't have to worry, you know. Your secret is safe with me." He suddenly stated.

My head snapped back towards him and my eyes widened considerably. I gulped once or twice while thinking what to say. I couldn't fake ignorance, because it was very clear what he was talking about. So what to do?

"I don't know how to defend myself." I tried to explain. He chuckled lowly.

"Dear, you don't have to defend yourself. Things like that happen."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. I don't think I even understood. Shouldn't he be mad or worse, fire me? I couldn't be this lucky and get away with it, could I?

"But it's so unprofessional." I almost whispered while looking back at my laptop.

It seemed I was more talking to myself rather than convincing him. Why did I even want to convince everyone it was wrong? Ever since I started working here, even before at the night shop, I dreamed something like this would happen. I enjoyed the times Harry and I were together like that. It felt right.

I hated the confusion my mind was creating for itself. Everything could be so simple. Either go for it or not. My head said don't do it, but my heart said the complete opposite.

"You're exaggerating." Mr. Twist said while walking over to me. Once he stood in front of me, he placed his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them gently for comfort.

"I know Harry. He isn't a stranger to those things. You know that as well as I do." I nodded, immediately thinking of the She-Devil.

This made me wonder. How many were there before me? I wasn't talking about relationships or flings in general. I'm sure he had his fair share and that didn't really bother me, except for the fact that all of them probably were extremely good-looking, making it very hard for me to compete.
However, I was talking about the women at work. Beth Taylor probably wasn't the only one he had shagged in secret. Did he make a habit out of seducing his close female employees?

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