XXIX. Meet the Parents

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Hello everyone!

Now, wouldn't it be lovely if this book had a cool trailer or something? Does anyone know how to make one?
Also, have you seen the pic?....whoops

Once again, I invite you to join me on Twitter at @LaetitiaGregory (please do. I have so little followers on that thing, it's pathetic)



"So this whole deal with your parents. Thanks for backing me up on that, but how did you know about it? Did you hear us argue?" Harry said while taking his serviette and wiping the corner of his mouth after finishing his lunch. I smiled at him and swallowed my last piece of chicken before answering.

"Hmm, yeah, I heard. It was a pretty interesting conversation, don't you think?" I teased. I saw Harry's hand run through his hair.

"I know, I'm sorry about her." He sighed.

"Don't be." I immediately responded. "It's not something I'm not used to, especially from her." I saw him lift his head to the side and frown his brows in confusion.

"We had a run-in once, it's not really important." I waved the subject off, not really in the mood to repeat what Beth had told me in the bathroom the night of the benefit. "And sorry for eavesdropping again. I seem do that a lot." Harry chuckled.

"It's nothing. I'm actually glad you heard what I said and I'm glad you reacted so calmly about it." He shrugged.

"Again you take me for an aggressive person. I'm shocked, Harold." I faked an offended tone.

"Well after this morning, I'm not so sure anymore." He said while lifting his brow.

"Yeah, I know. I don't really know what came over me. It was just all a bit too much. I don't think very clearly when I'm panicked. But in that moment Louis just seemed so unfair. You know, judging us, while doing the exact same thing with El." I started but got interrupted very quickly.

"Wait what?" Harry looked shocked. "El and Louis? When did that happen?" I laughed loudly, finding it adorable that he hadn't noticed anything even though he knew them far longer than I did.

"You didn't know? H, it has been going on since long before you were even nice to me." I saw Harry take in a deep breath and shut his eyes guiltily.

"Don't go there, baby, we talked about this. You don't have to feel guilty anymore. I'm so over it. But it doesn't mean that because I'm over it, it can be erased from the past, right?" Harry nodded after sighing deeply.

He then stood up and walked over to me in a swift movement. He took me by surprise when he grabbed my hand and pulled me from my seat to lock my lips with his. I placed mine on his shoulder and kissed him back with all the love I had in me, just to proof my point to him. He was more than forgiven. When he pulled away, he leaned his forehead against mine and kept his eyes closed.

"You're right. You're always right." He chuckled, "God, it's so annoying sometimes." He said after opening his eyes again. I pushed him away gently in a teasing way and his warm laugh resonated through the entire office.

"So anyway. Again about your parents." I looked up at him in wonder.

"What about them?" I asked, genuinely curious about what he had to say.

"When can I meet them?" He asked in a surprisingly shy and small voice, which made my heart warm and my toes curl.

"Anytime you want." I replied.

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