X. Monday Morning Shock

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Here you go. There's another one. I'm just really in the mood, but I actually should be studying, so that's kind of bad.

Also, I'm kind of having a hard time with how to imagine Harry in this book. Sometimes I see and prefer him the way he looks now, sometimes I think he looked better a few years ago. So the pictures of him will be a sort of combination of the two. Whatever my mood is.



Monday morning. The day of my 'big' comeback and I was beyond ready.

During the rest of the weekend, I cleaned up my whole wardrobe and donated everything I didn't want to wear anymore. All my skirts and blouses, jumpers and trousers, that might seem the least bit grannies, were gone and replaced by the clothes I always dreamt of wearing, but never dared.

Skinny jeans, silk blouses with cool prints on them or tight dresses that complemented all my curves, I tried it all on and bought it. To my surprise, I liked a lot more of those clothes on me than I originally thought would actually fit.

I went to some of my favourite shops, shops I never thought I would actually buy stuff at. From Victoria Secret to Burberry, it was all there and yes, mummy and daddy sponsored. When it came down to turning my life around for the better, they were up for it. I didn't tell them about the whole 'you are ugly' part. But I honestly didn't feel as ugly anymore. It was amazing what a good haircut, make up and fancy clothes could do to a person. I felt more confident and strong, just like I wanted to be. 

I turned around and waved Arthur goodbye. I waited a few seconds in front of the major SC-building and looked up to the top and down to my shoes. What a change I went through indeed. I tucked at my fitted black dress and stepped forward. I walked past the stupid receptionist and smiled when I saw her turn her head towards me for the second time, mouth wide open.

Yeah that's right, this dress and those shoes are from Saint Laurent. Keep on painting those nails. Bitch.

I smirked at her and walked into the elevator. I pressed the button, the doors closed and I turned to look at my reflection in the mirror.
Did I just smirk at someone? I never smirked.

Damn nice progress, Peterson.

I checked if my make up was still okay. I wasn't used to wearing any, so I was extremely anxious to smudge it. Even though it was weird to see myself with it, I liked this look, it looked a little different, healthier and more stylish. I heard the bing noise and walked out of the lift.

I rushed to my office, called the cafeteria,asked for the usual coffee and waited afterwards. I checked my clock and noticed I was still perfectly on schedule. I shrugged of my new light grey coat and hung it at the coat rack before taking my laptop and necessary files out of my bag and installed everything on my desk. By the time my laptop was fully working and I had checked my mails, Jules was here with two coffee mugs. I saw him widen his eyes and I blushed slightly.

"Good morning Jules. Thank you for the coffee." He nodded, then placed the mugs on my desk and turned around to leave.
I stood up tucked at my dress again out of unease, grabbed the white mug with the big black letters on it, my notebook, pen and my proof of absence from the doctors, just in case, and off went.

It was time to face the music

I approached the open door of Mr Styles' office and saw him and Li bent over what seemed like a pack of papers while discussing something.
I knocked quietly and waited for a reply.

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