XXV. Are You Sure?

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Hello again...ready for this one?
But first, please check out the prologue of my new book Concupiscence. I know this is shameless marketing stunt on my part or whatever. But, you know, you might enjoy the book.

Enjoy this one!


The afternoon had started off wonderfully well and Harry's entire family was simply lovely.  A pretty brunette came to greet us after Lilly saw Harry and I walk through the grand glass sliding doors and ran towards us to hug my legs. The brunette turned out to be Harry's sister, Gemma, who was nothing but kind to me. To Harry's great disappointment, Anne and Lilly had decided to sit next to me. Yet he seemed so happy with me being at his parents' house that I almost didn't notice the way he was looking at me. There was a sort of strong contentment in his green eyes that I hadn't seen before.

We were currently in the back of the garden, out of anyone's sight. The garden was about the size of a small park and it was absolutely stunning. I saw Harry walk towards a tree and lean against it, signalling for me to come over with his finger. I did as I was asked and smiled once I was closer to him.

"Finally," He said, "I can talk to you now."

"You could before." I countered.

"Yeah, but it's not the same. No one can hear us now." I nodded and put my head on his chest after he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Are you having a nice time with my family?" I nodded feverishly.

"Yes, very. Everyone is so nice." I felt his chest vibrate and I knew he was chuckling softly.

"I told you everyone would adore you."

"It's always easier to be liked when someone puts in more than a few good words for you." I lifted my head and gazed into his smiling eyes. I pulled out my tongue and shook my head childishly at him. He laughed and stayed silent for a few moments. His gaze turned into that one unknown look again, the one I was desperate to decipher.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly. I saw him sigh and smile.

"Nothing's wrong. I just realised something." He simply shrugged his shoulders, his arms still locked around my waist.

"What's that?" I asked, desperate to find out. I didn't even worry anymore about being nosy, I was long past that stage.

"Seeing you here, with my family made me realise something. Something that I haven't done in my life before, but it feels fucking amazing." He said with a determined nod.

"Which is?"

"I'm in love with you, Mia."

My mouth fell open and my toes were starting to curl. Before I even noticed myself, a huge smile took over my features which then copied on his face and my feet were starting to shift, balancing my weight from one foot to the other while my hands were curled up in little fists of excitement. I looked like a little kid in a candy store, but I didn't care. In this moment I didn't care about anything else than Harry. I jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck.

It was my turn to pepper his skin with millions of sweet little kisses, only to end in a passionate kiss on his lush lips to which he immediately responded. I heard him laugh happily, satisfied with the reaction he got out of me. I pulled back, looked into his gorgeous green eyes and finally let the words slip I had been wanting to tell him probably since the day I met him.

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