XXVII. Elevators and Porno's

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I know it has been a while and I'm very sorry, but my little holiday is over! So here is another chapter for you. Just to give you a heads up (because some readers have asked me about it), Substance still has a long way to go (about 15 or 16 more chapters). So stick around and let me know (as always) what you think about it. Do you still like it? Are you excited for what's to come? Or do you hate it? Are you disappointed? Let me know!



Harry turned his head around and smiled up to me once I had said my goodbyes to Arthur. He called me over and joked we were going to be late for work. I laughed lightly and awkwardly jogged towards him in my black heals and tight navy blue skirt, the one I knew Mandie, the slutty receptionist, also owned. When I reached him, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer. I stared up at him and still couldn't believe he was finally mine. His eyes were shining which made the green color so unique and indescribable. A small lock of blond hair fell into my eye and I tried to blow it away, not wanting the beautiful view to be blurry.

I heard Harry chuckle and felt his fingertips brush my cheek when he pulled the lock behind my ear. I smiled up at him and opened my mouth to thank him, but his mouth kissed my lips gently while his tongue tangled itself with mine. I moaned at the contact and felt him smile into the kiss, but pulled away soon after realising something vital.

"Are you aware that colleagues might actually  see us?" I felt him smile against my neck

"I don't care. Let them look." My eyes widened and confusion along with shock was clearly written all over my face.

"Are you sure? I'm mean, I'm imagining this is big for you. Does this mean that we...you know. Uhm." I rambled without knowing how to end it.

"It means exactly that. I think that after four months people are allowed to know that I have a gorgeous girlfriend, no?" I gulped. For some silly reason, I felt nervous, very nervous. Harry seemed to notice and kissed my forehead.

"It will be fine. When the occasion occurs, I'll tell the people I want to tell. I'll say to them that my woman is taking very good care of me and that I love her very much." I just stared at him in awe and let him continue.

"We can do whatever we want, Mia. It's no one's business but ours. Besides, no one ever decided that dating a colleague wasn't allowed. I'm just starting to get sick of hiding us. We've come way too far for you to still be my little secret, don't you think?"

"I love you." I said with the biggest smile.

"I know that," He teased, "But I wanna know if my opinion is indeed brilliant." I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"The most modest man I know." I mumbled while stepping away from him and walking through the revolving doors. I looked behind me and saw him smile.

"I heard that. Sarcasm isn't your strong point." Harry joked.

"Oh, I think it is. In fact, I believe that you think so too and that you secretly like it." I whispered the last part, afraid that the stupid receptionist, who was looking at both of us in wonder by the way, might have heard something. I saw Harry looking at Mandie in the corner of my eye and only responded with, what looked to me as, a sneaky little knowing smirk. We stepped into the lift and Harry  pressed button thirty once we were inside.

"So, Mia," Harry started after a pause in our conversation, "What exactly did you tell Arthur about me?" He asked with his head cocked to the side which made his hair fall into his eyes. I reached my hand up and pulled the locks out of his face, just like he had done before.

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