XVII. Awkward Contact

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I'm sooooooooooo sorry for the ultra long wait.

I had to start with writing this update because class was simply too boring to pay any attention to it.
But after a while I got quite stuck and didn't how to get everything written out. Then I was on holiday in France with a non-existent internet connection.

So yeah, that's why the update took so long.

Hope you enjoy this one.


I was working on automatic pilot. My mind was fuzzy and confused after what happened Saturday night. Did I really kiss my heavenly sexy boss to a degree where children definitely weren't allowed to watch anymore?

I had been avoiding him all day. When I brought him his morning coffee, he wasn't in his office. He left a note saying he was in Robin's office a few doors further down the corridor. It also said that I didn't have to do anything in particular so far, which made me very happy. I could simply prepare the presentation for this afternoon and done, no need for me to see him.

What would I even say to him? I've never been in a situation like this one. It was my first kiss...ever. I had been thinking about the embarrassment and my inexperience the entire day yesterday. I thought I was over it. Clearly not.

I simply hoped it wasn't too obvious. As far as I could tell, he didn't seem to bother or even to notice. Then again, Harry is a gentleman. If the kissing was bad, he would politely forgive, move on, yet never forget. O the horror.

I kept on working, I couldn't lose my focus. Work was the only sane thing in my life at this point. The only thing I didn't have to doubt about because I knew I did it decently. I jumped when my phone started ringing. God, I was tense.

"Mia Peterson, assistant of Harry Styles, how can I help you?" I felt relieved when I heard Eleanor's cheery and posh voice through the other line.

"Can the assistant join her partners in crime for a nice little lunch?" I giggled and replied.

"Of course, when?"



"See you there." She said in a sing song voice and ended the conversation. I put my phone back to its proper place. I was so scared it could've been Harry. I was so nervous and awkward about what happen that I started to get completely paranoid.

After we had our snog party, we simply went back to the rest of the group. It was strange and there was tension radiating from the both of us. He couldn't get his eyes off of me and tensed every time Boris as much as spoke to me. The same happened every time an attractive woman approached him. I was surprised however when he politely refused the girl's advances. Yet immediately tensed again when Liam asked him why he wasn't getting any action. I remember him looking at me for the briefest of seconds, giving me a little mixture of a lopsided smile and a smirk that made my knees go weak in the spot. He answered Liam by saying he wasn't into them.

Was he into me? Did he really mean it? We were both a little intoxicated, clearly, otherwise I would've never done such a thing. Did he know with a clear mind what he was doing? What he was getting himself into?

My phone rang and I picked it up without checking the caller-ID...again. It was probably Niall, he always called around this hour to ask how my weekend had been.

"Mia Peterson, assistant of Harry Styles, how can I help you?"

"Hello Amelia."


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