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"Naruto! Please, look away!" He could remember his father say. "Look away, run to your room!" Muting his father out, five year old Naruto could only focus on the sobbing of his mother. "Naruto! Upstairs, now!" His father had never raised his voice at him.

"What's wrong with mom?" He had asked, and if he remembered correctly, his mother had begged him to stay. Minato, however, wanted him gone from the scene.

"Naruto, leave!"

"Naruto, snap out of it!" Kiba snapped his fingers in front of the blond, promptly taking him out of the memories that tormented his mind almost every time he closed his eyes.

"What? What is it?" Naruto asked, back down to earth and out of his thoughts. "Did I do something wrong?"

Kiba rolled his eyes. "When don't you do something wrong?" He asked, Naruto laughing nervously as he passed his own hand through his hair. "No, idiot." Kiba scolded. "Iruka's calling you up front." Raising an eyebrow, Kiba looked at his friend weird. "Hey, are you okay? You're not looking too good."

"I'm fine." Naruto assured, slapping Kiba's hand away. "Do you know what he wants?" He asked, stretching high in the air and letting out a yawn, his hand automatically going through his golden strands of hair again.

"An autograph, Naruto. What else? Fuck if I know." Kiba answered sarcastically, the other rolling his eyes.

Sighing, Naruto got up from his seat and walked to the front of the class where Azuma held up his slip to walk out of class. This would be the third time this week visiting the counselor's office. Iruka always wanted to speak to him for some reason or the other and honestly, at this point he felt more like a father than Naruto's own father did. Putting thoughts aside, Naruto calmly walked through the hallways and downstairs to where the counseling offices were.

"Morning, Naruto. Counseling again?" Tsunade was out by the reception talking to Shizune. Then again, that's where she was always at if not in her office.

"Yeah," Naruto responded. "you know Iruka: he just loves to make my life miserable." He said, the woman chuckling at the statement.

"Don't be like that, he cares about you." She smiled warmly. "A lot more than you think, actually."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Naruto smiled, pushing the door open with his hips into the counseling hall. He sent the woman a mock salute before entering. Passing the hall with useless information, he finally came to a stop upon Iruka's door.

"Come in." It seemed Iruka had sensed his presence already. Sighing, Naruto opened the door, walking in to find Iruka typing away on his computer.

"Yo." Naruto greeted.

"Naruto, " Iruka sighed, "take a seat." He ordered, distracted as his eyes were glued to the screen and his fingers tapping on the black keys.

"Anything I'm needed here for or is this another one of your 'get your shit together' pep talks?" Naruto asked rudely, Iruka frowning at the vulgarity. "What? That is what they're called, right?"

Sighing, Iruka stopped typing and clasped his hands together as he turned to face the student. "First of, language. Second, this isn't a pep talk. It's serious so it would do you good to at least listen. Now, put it how you want it, but these talks are for me to help you with what you're going through."

"I'm not going through anything." Naruto shrugged, yawning into his hand and stretching as if he didn't care. "That being said, we're done here, right? I can go?" He stood up, walking towards the door.

"Naruto, sit." Iruka ordered sternly. The boy sighed, stopping in place to sigh deeply before sitting back down. "And don't tell me you don't have any problems. As if I don't remember what happened during your middle school's end of the year school trip."

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