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Naruto walked into class late; much later than usual. He hated class. He hated how everyone treated him like he was the plague. He thought he'd get used to it, but apparently it only worsened as even Kiba started to slowly distance himself from him. That's right: the only person willing to be seen with him was no longer sitting in the usual seat next to him, but now, he sat next to Hinata.

Well, he guessed it wasn't all that bad. After all, Kiba had been the only person in class aside from Neji who didn't ignore him. It was almost considered social suicide to be seen with the blond, but Kiba hadn't cared. He'd hung around Naruto even if he too, received the same treatment from others. Naruto only guessed that it was best to let Kiba be now; Kiba had suffered enough hanging around him. At least now Kiba would have a chance at a happier school life.

It was good to see Kiba smile like that for once.

"Naruto, glad you're joining us." Azuma greeted as he walked in from lunch hour, a few students behind him. "Take your seats." The man ordered, watching a certain new student take a different seat than the one from last time. "Sasuke, choose a seat, you can't be hopping around." Azuma then sighed, realizing he had left something back in the cafeteria and stood up to walk out the door, reminding the students to start working while he went and got it.

Seeing how Naruto annoyingly walked over to his desk, Sasuke smirked, grinned, it would seem, as he realized the seat next to the blond was empty. Oh how fun this would be; tormenting Naruto some more. As he got up, Sasuke grabbed his bag and walked over to the empty seat next to him.

"Hey, you can't sit there." Kiba called out to him upon noticing. Sasuke however, ignored him and placed his bag on top of the desk. "That's my seat."

"Not anymore." Sasuke shot back at him. "I don't see your name on it."

"Your name's not on it, either." Kiba argued, though Hinata stepped in as she placed a hand over his shoulder.

"Leave him, Kiba. You can sit with me now. Consider it a relief. At least you won't have to sit by Naruto anymore." Hinata spoke, sending a small grin over Naruto's way.

Naruto only stared uninterested at her as she turned to face Kiba. Sakura and a couple of girls around the once sweet girl laughed, amazed that the 'sweet and innocent' girl suddenly decided to speak out and talk about Naruto in such a way. This was surely a big surprise to them as they never knew Hinata could be like this.

Kiba looked worried towards Naruto and felt bad when said blond just nodded at him before shrugging and looking away.

"I just feel so bad for Sasuke." Ino commented out loud, braiding a long strand of her hair as her blue eyes landed on Naruto's. "He's going to have to sit by that."

"Its not so bad,"- Sasuke smiled. -"in fact, he should feel honored I'm even bothering to sit near him."

The class laughed, Naruto rolled his eyes. "You should feel honored I'm going out of my way to hold back my urges." Naruto said, eyeing Sasuke in a most hateful glare and while Sasuke simply smiled down at him, Kiba, on the other hand, knew he had to get involved before Naruto decided to let everything out. He knew Naruto well enough to know he never played around when it came to holding back.

"Naruto..." Kiba began getting up from his seat, though Hinata sent a glare his way not to get involved. Kiba either had to choose between preventing a fight or Hinata, who wouldn't think twice on leaving him should he defend the 'nuisance' in the room.

Sasuke sat down, placing his feet atop the desk. "Please,"- he scoffed. -"as if you could do anything." He knew Naruto would, though. He'd been victim to Naruto's punches back in the bathroom.

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