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"It's like you want me to leave." Naruto stretched as the two walked down towards the smoke shop, his hand scratching his stomach underneath the black short sleeved shirt.

Neji had woken up re-energized to the sound of Naruto's snoring. Seeing how his friend was still asleep, the brunette took it upon himself to wake up the blond, determined to have him clothed and ready even if it meant he had to do it himself. While Naruto groaned, Neji rambled on about spending the day outside for once. Apparently the junkie was tired of being holed up in his flat all day.

"That's the reason I'm hurrying you to the door." Neji played along. "Hurry up or we're seriously going to be late and all because of you."

Grinning, Naruto raced Neji downstairs, greeting the other kid that worked on the weekends. Following behind, Neji spoke to the new employee before joining Naruto outside. Once gathered, the two walked on over towards Ichiraku's.

"Hey, isn't that Kiba?" Upon arriving at the ramen stand, Neji pointed towards a figure pacing back and forth, looking as if they were nervously waiting for someone.

"I think it is." Naruto guessed, looking over and recognizing that mess of hair anywhere. "I'll be right back." He said, nudging Neji on the shoulder. "Hey, Kiba!" He shouted, waving over towards the kid as he walked forwards.

"Naruto?" Kiba met the blond's gaze and looked around nervously before turning back to Naruto. "What are- what are you doing here?" Oh, so he was really nervous.

"Ichiraku's." Naruto pointed towards the stand behind him where Neji waited with a cigarette between lips. "What are you doing here? Don't tell me, got a hot date?" He joked, never once expecting Kiba to get all rowdy at the wild guess. "Wait, you're serious?" He asked, catching Kiba scratching the back of his neck.

"Well..." Kiba nervously glanced around, standing up as straight as he could as his eyes landed on the person he had been waiting for. Following his line of sight, Naruto found it a bit unnerving how it was Hinata whom Kiba waited for.

"H-hello, Kiba." She greeted, walking up towards the boy and somehow acting like Naruto wasn't standing between them.

"Ah, I see." Naruto laughed nervously. "So you two, huh?" Kiba gave Naruto a wry smile, Hinata looking over to the blond.

"Yes, us two." Hinata's sweet, shy voice suddenly dropped and almost an entirely different person took over. "And it'd be great if you'd leave so we can be on our way."

Naruto had somewhat expected this. Deep down he knew Hinata would turn but it was still a shock. In all his time at that school, or in the time that he knew Hinata, never once had she ever spoken to anyone like that much less even look his way. She was always a sweet type of girl, hanging out with Sakura and Ino and almost making it seem like she had no other choice but to hang out with them. The Hinata standing before him now, however...

"Y-yeah. Sorry, Naruto." Kiba too, must've been in shock. He looked at his friend with a worried look. "We're kind of in a hurry, so..."

Naruto said nothing, though gave a small nod towards him. It then hit him that he had just lost his best friend in a way.

Hinata rolled her eyes, holding on to Kiba's hand and dragging him away from where Naruto stood. Once a fair distance away, she reverted back to her sweet self, smiling up towards Kiba and still being able to make the boy blush despite how rude she had previously been.

"That Hinata?" Neji walked up from behind, placing his elbow on Naruto's shoulder as he looked over to the girl and the happy looking short haired brunette.

"Yeah." Naruto nodded, waving the smoke away from his face. "Whatever. It's not like I don't have enough people hating me already. One more isn't such a big deal."

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