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"Go ahead, take some." Gaara wasn't stupid; he knew a poser when he saw one and this Sasuke Uchiha guy was exactly that: a poser. Pretending to be everything and all that when in reality, he was a dumbass who thought his good lucks meant he had some sort of status around everyone. Funny thing was: the poor guy had no idea each and everyone around him was part of a gang or had something to do with drugs. Where else had Gaara gotten his supply from?

Just by watching him, Gaara knew Sasuke was not even comfortable being here. Everyone around him was experienced in these types of things—partying into the late hours of the night, drinking, smoking, taking part in something that was clearly very much illegal but that no one here cared. This environment was not one for the raven, and the raven knew that. Everyone around him could see it, even Sakura, who had walked in with him and Ino. Those two were very much involved in these types of things and they had this comical look on their faces whenever they saw Sasuke stare in concern at something such as suspicious substances on a table nearby, at the bottles or cans of alcohol, at recognizing some of his own classmates taking part.

And yet, as the Uchiha stood there amongst things he was completely suspicious about and had reason to be concerned, he still tried to act like he was a part of the scene. Tried acting like he knew what he was getting into, like he knew what he was doing. But of course, it was failing. Everyone could see it. He was trying to prove something but the only thing he was proving here was that he was nothing special in front of everyone. It was honestly kind of pathetic almost.

"I promise it'll only last a few hours." Gaara added, noticing the Uchiha's adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed nervously. He was sweating—not much, but enough to show he was anxious. It wasn't too hot and neither had he been dancing or moving around to warrant any sweat, so Gaara was comletely pleased to see that the boy was making a fool of himself on his own in front of others.

"You should try it, Sasuke," Sakura egged on, her hands comforting the raven's arms as he stood there. "I promise you'll have a lot of fun, and the come down from it will be super relaxing."

"You'll feel a hundred times better!" Ino shouted over the music, her body constantly moving in place as she danced.

Sasuke eyed the small, round tablets, hesitating. He knew Gaara was eyeing him, everyone else was, too. The music was loud, he couldn't think right. He had a thought forming, but now as he was being presented with drugs and had everyone watching him, that thought had come to a halt and he couldn't even think on where it was going. He knew he wanted to fit in, but was this really the only way? Looking around, clearly it was. There were kids—underage teens drinking and doing things they shouldn't be doing. How did they even do this without getting in trouble? Did their parents know? Speaking of, how the hell did Gaara's parents let him do this? Were they even around?

"Oh come on, Gaara, leave the little kid alone," He heard what he assumed a friend of Gaara's say. Her words made the small crowd around them shout and laugh at the skeptical Uchiha.

"I'm not pressuring him, Temari," Gaara said, not once breaking eye contact to talk to the girl. "I'm simply offering. If he says no, then who am I to—"

"A few hours, no?" Sasuke interrupted, determined to prove himself as he snagged the two tablets and stole Gaara's drink out of his hand. "I'm not lame, I know how to party."

And that was just about the cringiest thing anyone had ever heard, especially coming from him, who was clearly out of place. Even so, the crowd cheered as they raised their drinks in the air, some making fun of him while others just rejoiced in the fact that he was trying. Sasuke thought everyone was cheering him on. Gaara stayed still, quiet. Temari placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling in a way that once looking, Gaara could tell she was making fun of the Uchiha.

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