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Naruto, after slamming the classroom door shut behind him, balled his hands into fists and slammed them upon the concrete walls following the wooden door. That bastard, Sasuke, had gotten lucky. Had it not been for Naruto holding himself back and deciding to not waste his energy on scum like him, Naruto would've lashed out and beaten the guy to a pulp regardless if Azuma was there or not to stop him.

Sai had it bad, but Sasuke... Naruto decided that if Sasuke said anything more about his mother, there would be no warning. As soon as any word towards her came out of his mouth, Naruto would find his fists in the air and on their way to Sasuke's face. Fuck the warnings Iruka gave him about being expelled for violence; Naruto had already fucked Sai up so there was no problem in adding Sasuke to the mix. Iruka would find out about it eventually.

Oh, but the tears were having a fucking field day today! One after the other, they ran down his cheeks as he couldn't help but think back on those words Minato's new favorite had said to him. 'Why would your mother bother contacting someone like you, anyway.'

"You know nothing." Naruto mumbled under his breath as he roamed the all too familiar hallways on his way to Iruka's.

"Naruto?" Upon passing by reception, Naruto hadn't heard Shizune call out to him.

With his mind coming up with different ways to destroy Sasuke and whomever told him about his mother, Naruto had finally come to a stop as Shizune caught up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. Frowning, Naruto's glare somehow made Shizune jump back and stammer as her eyes showed concern. "What is it, Shizune." He demanded more than asked.

"I-If you're looking for Iruka, I-I think it's best to wait a while before going into his office." She stuttered at first, then beckoned Naruto to follow her back to the reception desk.

"Iruka called for me," Naruto said, holding up the pink slip in which it clearly stated Iruka was summoning him to his office.

"Y-yeah, but he's busy right now..." The woman chuckled nervously.

"Shizune, I have no time for your 'end-of-the-world' situations'. And if anyone asks, I'm leaving after this." The blond said before turning away and once again, making Shizune run after him in a most worried state.

"Your dad is here!" She then announced, making Naruto stop once again and while Shizune expected him to lash out in anger, Naruto had surprised her as he only nodded and continued on his way. "Naruto..."

Upon reaching his counselor's door, Naruto could hear a faint mumbling coming from inside— Minato and Iruka exchanging words. Actually, it was more of Minato warning Iruka of saying anything to Naruto and Iruka arguing that the boy should know. Frowning, Naruto placed his palm on the door handle and opened the door, surprising both adults in the room as he stood there with a most frightening frown in place.

"What shouldn't I know?" He asked, though more towards Iruka as Naruto refused to look at his father.

"Naruto, I— could you wait outside for a minute? Just a quick second and I'll—"

"What. Can't. I. Know."

Minato frowned, putting on his mask as he held back any emotion from pouring out from the dam around his heart. "Is this how you speak to your superiors?" He asked, but Naruto remained fixed on Iruka. "Your counselor has instructed you to wait outside. This is a matter between him and I. You have no business in being a part of it."

"It's my business when it involves me. Iruka. What can't I know."

Iruka gulped hard under both glares sent to him from the blonds in front of him. "Naruto... I think it's best... to listen to your father..."

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