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Sasuke frowned as he observed how Naruto was easily swayed by the brunette. Never mind the annoying kids that were sure to be frequenting the blond's house to cause noise, what Sasuke wanted to know was who that guy was and if he would be trouble in the future.

As to why he and Sakura were suddenly spying on the next door neighbour, they had been in the middle of an intimate moment as they thought the loud kids had left. Proven wrong, both had marched on over, prepared to complain when Sasuke shushed Sakura and decided to lay low. Both quietly peeped through the hole in the wooden fence, watching Naruto and the kids push the brunette into the pool, later on witnessing said brunette kissing the boy profoundly.

Seeing how the brunette had thrown them a wink, Sasuke departed from the fence a bit flustered. "Come on, Sakura." The pink haired girl too, pushed herself away and joined Sasuke back inside the pool.

"See? I told you he was a mess." The girl waited for the Uchiha to resurface before talking. "Last time, it was some creep who literally ended up being some highly wanted criminal and now he's with Hinata's cousin." Sakura mumbled, sitting at the edge of the pool splashing her feet gently in the water while Sasuke floated by.

"A criminal?" Sasuke asked, raising his eyebrow towards the blond's seemingly exciting life and choice of men.

Sakura nodded. "Nobody ever notices, but I do. Just last week, he was with some guy who was supposedly on some business affair, then there was this other guy whom I'm pretty sure is married."

"Yeah? How could you tell?" Sasuke asked, suddenly finding the waters too calm for his liking and grabbing the girl by her feet, dragging her in.

"Sasuke!" She laughed, wiping water from her face. Sasuke smiled, hugging her from the waist. "And I could tell because Hinata had noticed his ring finger had that a slight discoloration. She has a keen eye, so I must warn you if you're ever around her."

Sasuke shrugged, smiling as his eyes landed on the girl's lips. "I got nothing to hide."

Sakura rolled her eyes, chuckling as the Uchiha grinned towards her. She too, saw the temptation on his face. "You know," She started, "I also heard Naruto does narcotics," She whispered, Sasuke leaning in slowly.

"He does?" He asked, voice low. Sakura nodded, closing the gap between them. The two shared a small kiss, breaking apart mostly because Sasuke forgot he had never been with neither boy or girl.

Sakura could tell, though, that this was probably Sasuke's first kiss and while it was odd, she figured he had his reasons. The boy was hot! How could he be new to this?! Surely he had girls all over him back at his old school, no? "S-sorry." Sasuke said mid chuckle, pulling apart from the girl.

"No, no, I get it." Sakura smiled. "Either you've never shared a kiss or my breath smells." She laughed, making Sasuke laugh along.

"It's not that, I'm just nervous- which is not like me, by the way." He lied. "You're just better than all the girls back at my old school." And this, he didn't lie. It was true that while the girls back at his old school were indeed attractive, Sakura was better in the sense that she was both attractive and not borderline crazy like the girls back at his old school were.

"Right." Sakura nodded, a teasing grin on her face.

Sasuke cleared his throat nervously. "S-so, Minato," He tried changing the topic. "Does he know?"

Sakura chuckled, going along with the Uchiha. "He either does or doesn't. See, the thing with Minato and the student body is that we all love him. Undeniably, he was awesome, almost family-like when he was principal. He trusted us and we trusted him. We knew those two had issues but we preferred not to press on. When things got out of hand, most people sided with Minato, believe me, seeing Minato sad and hurt is... and Naruto is just- I don't know. We all agreed not to tell Minato what messes his son gets into simply because we know that will hurt him more and... we don't want that."

"So...he doesn't know."

"No, I don't think so. If he does, I think he's ignoring it but then again, Minato's not one to ignore things, especially things like this." Sakura swam over towards the edge. "So, for the sake of not hurting him, please don't tell Minato anything. It's all Naruto's fault for being that way. Honestly, Minato deserves a better son."

Sasuke nodded, shrugging as if everything she said made sense to him. Either he didn't quite get all that or she talked way much faster than he could keep up with. "What about the mom?" He asked, now thinking about it. "Does she know? Where is she, what does she do?"

"Nothing." Sakura shrugged. "That's always been a touchy subject between the two. I haven't seen his mom since I was in second grade. Naruto and I used to be... acquaintances back then and from what I could tell, those three had always been a very happy family. I honestly don't remember when it is that things between them fell apart."

Sasuke nodded, remaining quiet for a few seconds before Naruto shouted Neji's name and laughter followed after. Annoyed, Sasuke splashed Sakura, the girl playing along and soon the two were found in each other's embrace once again.

"You know, I'm getting this vibe from you. It's kind of awkward but, I honestly don't think being flirty suits you." Sakura confessed.

Sasuke looked away, knowing she was definitely correct. "I'm doing everything wrong, aren't I?" He asked, peeking over to see her face. He had this noticeable pout on his face that made Sakura burst out in laughter.

"You probably never had the chance to flirt." She guessed. "Considering how you've evaded the topic once, I'd say you probably never really got with the crowd."

Sasuke looked at her with surprise; he had been found out.

"You're lucky you're cute, though." She smiled. "Otherwise I wouldn't bother to teach you." She said, smiling as her hands hung loosely around Sasuke's neck, pulling him in for a real kiss. She knew he was excited, the boy practically jumped in surprise, messily trying to mimic her tongue. He was adorable, she thought. One would think he was a sex magnet just by looking at him but alas, he was still pure.

When the girl finally pulled away, Sasuke had looked at her seriously in the eye before laughing. Joining him, the two laughed and got closer. It seemed Sasuke found this an interesting way to waste time.

Neji enjoyed the rest of the day. Undoubtedly, he figured things would've been much more interesting if the kids hadn't been around but either way, it was fun. Now as he sat in silence with the blond, the kids long gone to their homes, the two cuddled in the long chair as they watched the sun hiding behind the silhouette of the trees and the moon took over Konoha's light polluted city.

Once Neji had his bit of fun, Naruto found himself kissing the brunette good-bye before going back out towards the pool and staring longingly at the moonlit surface.

Sighing, he stayed there for a while, thinking about Moegi's question from earlier concerning his mother. Dismissing it, the blond frowned when Sasuke and Sakura's laughter continued even as the moon hovered above them. He tried his best to ignore the laughter and when it got too annoying, he got up and walked back inside, shutting the lights off and preparing himself for a shower before going to sleep. As much as he hated school, he had to go. His mother may not be with him now to nag at him, but even so, she would've thrown a fit if he didn't go and Naruto wouldn't want that.

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