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"What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, shaking off the anger but obviously failing as Minato, the man he least wanted to see, stood before him appearing high and mighty over his son.

"You didn't answer my question, Naruto." Minato replied, keeping his voice stern along with his eyes as he dodged the boy's question. "What is it that you need to handle on your own?"

Naruto had never dreaded sharing the same eyes as his father, but now, as they looked down at him with no emotion whatsoever, oh how much he loathed them.

"Minato!" Iruka rushed out of his office to take a stand beside Naruto. "W-what brings you here?" He asked, voice shaky but smiling as he greeted the man.

"A meeting with Sarutobi." Minato answered, his eyes never once looking away from his son.

"R-really? Ah, could it be about the new principal? Is Tsunade one of the candidates?"

Now looking over at the counselor, Minato picked up on something suspicious. "That's yet to be decided and I'm not at liberty to discuss that at the moment." He eyed them both. "What were you two talking about?"

"Ah- eh...well..."

"My grades." Naruto responded, challenging his father with a glare, it would seem.

"You're failing your classes?"

"When am I not failing a class, Minato? Oh, that's right, you wouldn't know." Iruka nudged Naruto, the boy only rolling his eyes and letting out a deep breath. "Whatever, I'll get out of your way, Sir." He was feeling sick; Minato in general made him sick.

"Naruto!" Iruka scolded, then smiled towards Minato. "And yes, Namikaze, Sir. His grades do seem to be improving, right, Naruto?"

Naruto looked away, maintaining silence.

Minato, knowing his son was not going to say anything else, sighed and nodded. It was a sad truth that his son no longer respected him, not after what he did. "Work hard then, Naruto." The boy shrugged lazily, walking away and on his way, bumping into his father's shoulder.

"N-Naruto!" Iruka called after him.

"Let it be, Iruka." Minato stopped the man. "I deserve it, after all."

Iruka hesitated to look the man in the eye. Sighing, he looked back at the student. "We'll talk later then, Naruto." He called, though was unsure if the boy had heard or not as he turned the corner.

As if, Naruto thought. He walked back to class, the entire way thinking on who the person in the video was.

Pathetic, he thought once again: he couldn't even remember their face.

"So, what happened?" Kiba was quick to ask. As soon as Naruto sat down, Kiba had leaned his back on the boy's shoulder, his hands holding on tightly to his phone as he browsed through articles relating to the topic of their ongoing science project.

"Iruka happened, what else?" Naruto mumbled, his chin resting on his palm. "Kiba?"


"Do you remember who I was with two days ago?"

"Two days ago, huh?" Kiba asked. "Let's see..." He lowered the brightness on his screen as he thought about it. "I don't know, you're always at Ichiraku's talking to some creep. Fuck, I don't know. What am I, your manager?"

"Two days ago, Kiba. You were with me for a bit. Don't you remember anyone? What they looked like, maybe?"

The brunette scratched at his head meanwhile opening a social app to reply to someone's text. "All I remember before leaving was some creep saying he was from another city. Reminded me of a snake, actually. Long hair, weird eyes."

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