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"You... called for me?" Naruto knocked nervously on the wooden door, unknowingly alerting the man within the office. "Sorry," He kind of whispered. "Of course you called for me, otherwise I wouldn't-"

"Naruto, yes, I called for you," Iruka interrupted, nervously standing up and closing is laptop in the process. "Well, I did what I could," He began, noting Naruto's eyes look down in disappointment. "Uh, but no, no, Naruto." Iruka freaked. "It's not what you think, I meant to say I did what I could without having your father find out and, well..." He pushed himself a bit from his desk, opening his bag to pull out a thin red folder. He smiled to himself as Naruto's eyes lit up.

"You're serious?" Naruto could feel his heart in his throat. "You're-you're not fucking with me, are you?" Iruka laughed silently, unable to keep himself from doing so as he watched Naruto smile with tears in his eyes. "Iruka, you're lying, this isn't- oh my god." Iruka had no words to say to him, he simply slid the thin red folder across his desk, grinning form ear to ear as Naruto inspected it as if it were a newfound treasure.

"Happy early birthday, Naruto. I couldn't wait to give you this tomorrow."

Clearly at a loss for words, Naruto jumped out of his seat and walked over to give Iruka a hug, his body doing everything on it's own for what words could not express.

"Calm down, Naruto." Iruka laughed, patting the boy on the back as he heard sobs emitting from the boy's mouth. "Just take it easy, calm down and keep yourself from acting too suspicious around your father. God knows he'd kill me if he found out." Iruka chuckled, releasing the boy form the tight grip hug and handing him a tissue. "How are you feeling?" He asked, receiving a small laugh from the blond.

"How did you get this?" Naruto asked, taking the tissue and throwing it aside, instead, wiping his tears on the sleeves of his school uniform. "And so quickly, I thought it'd be hard for you to-"

"It was hard, yes." Iruka nodded. "I almost gave up the first three hours, to be honest. And when your father walked in, ooph." Iruka chuckled, rubbing the side of his neck.

"He caught you?"

"No, I don't think so, no." Iruka shrugged. "Some personal matter he came to leave for me."

"Let me guess, another 'take care of Naruto while I go away for another four or five weeks' personal matter." Naruto guessed, pretty much sure that was probably what Minato had come to speak to Iruka about. "Nevermind that, Iruka I-"

Iruka couldn't deny, so he only nodded before clearing his throat. "Anyways, your mother, are you excited?"


Sasuke found himself both curious and at the same frustrated as he stood between Ino and her boyfriend, Sai. He had been following Naruto and he was only a floor away from the counseling offices were. Though, here he was, waiting for Ino to stop worrying over her bandaged boyfriend to take the chance and ask if she knew anything about why Sakura was acting weird.

"No, Ino." Sai whispered loudly. "I'm done, this is what I get for going along with you guys. You want to know who did this to me? Naruto, Ino. It was Naruto. Stop fucking around with him because he is dangerous." Sai sounded paranoid, making the Uchiha smirk at the thought of Naruto inflicting enough damage to have this boy's arm in a cast with bruises to last at least a month on the boy's face.

"What? Wait, Sai-" Ino was cut off as Sai turned around and walked off. "Fine! It's not like I ever liked you anyways!" She shouted behind him. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Sasuke. Ugh, he's such a coward!"

Nodding, Sasuke pursed his lips as Ino walked over to the window. "Ah, by the way, Sakura. I'm worried, is she okay?"

Ino scoffed. "She's fucked up. Do you even know at what time she left Gaara's place last night?"

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