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Sasuke walked awkwardly behind Minato. The man had personally picked him up from his house to show him around the school before he officially began classes the following Monday. Moving arrangements had been made at a stunning speed since Minato had a house available.

Walking around, the blond haired man led him to a hallway leading to the counseling offices.

"This is where you'll find your assigned counselor. Kurenai is mostly busy these days but should you have problems with anything, this is where you'll find her." He explained, looking inside the woman's empty office. "If she's not here, no problem. Iruka's always right next door." Walking over to the next door over, Minato hesitated but greeted the two inside from the open door. "Naruto, Iruka. I'm glad the both of you are here."

"What is it now, Minato?" Sasuke could hear someone ask.

"Speak politely, Naruto. I have a new student with me that I want the both of you to meet." Stepping closer, Sasuke watched as a boy bearing extreme similarity to Minato turn back and look at him. He had never seen anyone back at his school with blond hair, so it was a bit of a surprise. Though, since he even shared Minato's azure blue eyes, he figured it'd only be natural since they were, after all, father and son.

"You must be Minato's son, then. Naruto Namikaze?" Sasuke asked, extending his arm to greet the boy but in turn, receiving an uninterested look from the blond before facing his counselor.

"In the future, Minato, make sure your kids know not to call me by your last name." Naruto spoke, surprising Sasuke with the tone the kid spoke to his father with.

"Naruto, be polite." Minato scolded, though at this point, even Sasuke could tell Minato was hurt by his son's comment.

"Whatever." Naruto said. "Can you leave? Iruka and I are in the middle of our pep talk."

"I would watch that tone of yours, Naruto. I've not only come to show him around, but I've come to see how you are as well." Minato stepped forward, placing a hand above his son's shoulder. It was slapped away, Naruto getting up to face him.

"Oh, give it up already, Minato." Naruto fumed. "Come out and say it already! You're not here to check up on me, you never do so what's the point in doing it now? To show the new kid how caring you can be? Instead of having to burden yourself with me, why not just send me away and never contact me again? That's what you did to mom, no?!"

Minato's face turned stone before mixed emotions of sadness and pain took over. "Naruto, now's not the time to talk about this."

"And with you, it never is!" Naruto argued.

Remembering Sasuke was present in the room, Minato looked over to Iruka. "Perhaps you could show Sasuke around, Iruka?" He asked, awkwardly smiling towards the other man as Iruka hurried out of the office to do as Minato had ordered. Once the counselor and Sasuke were gone, door closed behind them, Minato coughed into his hand, about to speak.

"Oh." Naruto laughed, tears brimming his eyes. "Don't try, Minato. You're years too late to try and apologize."

"Let me try to understand you, then." Minato pleaded. "Is there anything wrong with that? Can't we just put the past behind us and live in peace?" Minato asked, Naruto walking away from him to stand behind Iruka's desk.

"Kind of late for that, don't you think?" Naruto spat. "How can you even ask that? Understand me? That's impossible for you, Minato. You can't possibly understand something you caused upon me."

"I know you hate me, son. I know-"

"Hate's not the word I'd use. Try despise, loathe, disgust." Naruto suggested, his arms crossed as he sat on Iruka's chair. "Any one of those; they sound more fitting."

Minato could only hold back a tear. "I really am sorry about your mothe-"

"Don't." Naruto interrupted. "Get out. I'm not going to listen to more of your bullshit lies. Don't you dare bring my mother into this, you cold hearted bastard. Don't you dare think I'd ever believe your crap!" Naruto's face was turning red from the pain his father reminded him of.

Minato, watching how his son kept staring at the door, stepped away. If Naruto chose to leave, then so be it. He wouldn't stop him. "You don't have to believe me." He said, watching his son get up from Iruka's chair and walk over towards the door. "Just know, Naruto. I really am-"

The door shut forcefully, the blinds smashing against the small window before Minato had the chance to finish his sentence.


Naruto cursed at himself in the mirror. Once out of the office, he had ran to the nearest restrooms to avoid walking the hallways with unstoppable tears running rebelliously down his face. Surely anyone who hated his guts would use that against him and that's the last thing he wanted in addition to this. "How dare he?!" He hissed towards the mirror, leaning over the sink as tears dropped into it.

"Wow, would you look at that." Sai walked in, his uniform untidy as usual and his hair unkempt. "Uzumaki, that you?" He asked teasingly, walking over to the nearest stall by the blond.

"Fuck off, Sai."

"Emotional, aren't we?" Sai cooed. "Those tears?" He asked, leaning over to see. Gasping, Sai smirked. "What did they do to you this time?"

Naruto wasn't having it, not today. His anger only rose as Sai proceeded to slap the back of his head on the way to the stall. Gripping the sides of the sink tighter, Sai noticed Naruto tense up.

"Oh, now I've done it." He teased. "Are you mad at me? What are you going to do, cry some more?" Sai laughed, closing the stall door. "You wouldn't mind if I took a picture, right? No one would believe me if I told them I found you crying like a little bitch." Sai stood up on the toilet seat, snapping a few pictures of the blond in the mirror from the angle above.

Rage boiled inside Naruto, the urge to start throwing punches was rising and if Sai didn't stop teasing him like that, then he wouldn't be able to stop himself.

"Are you going to hit me?" Sai asked, jumping off the seat and walking out of the stall to stand beside the blond. "Or are you too much of a wimp to do it?" Getting no response from the blond, Sai pushed further. "Go on, try it." He taunted. "Let me make it easier for you. Come on, loser, hit me."

Naruto trembled with the urge to do it.

"As I thought." Sai scoffed. "You're too stupid." He said, walking back to the stall. Naruto began chuckling, Sai turning around to look at him in confusion.

Turning to face Sai, Naruto could only smile widely in rage as he pushed the boy into the stall. "I'll take you up on that."

Nobody heard the commotion inside the restroom since classes were in motion. Nobody had been stalking the hallways to hear Sai struggle against an enraged Naruto.

"Come on, Sai." Naruto said, his mischievous smirk still in place. "Entertain me!" He shouted as Sai couldn't defend himself even if he tried. All bark and no bite, he was. "I hope you don't mind," he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "but no one would believe me if I told them I found you crying like a little bitch."

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