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Not bothering to talk to the bored genius manning shop, Naruto walked directly towards the stairs into Neji's place where the boy would be found skipping school once again. He knocked loudly, impatient as Neji stumbled in a daze towards the door. "About fucking time." The blond spat, pushing Neji aside to walk in.

"The fuck's stuck up your ass?" Neji asked, observing the foul mood on his friend. He watched as Naruto pulled off his shirt and walked around looking for a smoke. "You okay?"

"Sai fucking happened." Naruto responded, feeling all types of angry. "Now I have to worry about Iruka calling me up again and the stupid blood on my shirt."

"Your shirt?" Neji asked, walking over to where Naruto had discarded his school shirt. "Is this blood?"

"No, strawberry jam from the cafeteria, you fucking idiot. What the fuck else could it be?" Naruto retorted, sitting on the worn out black leather couch and lighting a cigarette.

"Tell me you didn't-"

"He's fine. I stopped soon after he wet his pants." Naruto interrupted, watching Neji look down at the shirt.

"What are you going to do if he rats you out?" Neji asked, walking over to where the blond sat and snatching the cigarette before Naruto could place it in his mouth.

"It's not like I care what happens to me. They could suspend me for all I care. Free ride out of a shit school like that and a reason to get away from Minato." Naruto rolled his eyes, then glared at Neji for having taken away his cigarette.

Neji shrugged. "You can use my shirt then. I don't use it." Naruto nodded, his phone ringing before anything else could be said.

"Not now, I'm busy." Was all the blond said into the phone before hanging up on the unknown man on the other line.

Surprised, Neji sat down next to Naruto, lifting his feet to place them atop the blond's lap. "You're not going?" He asked, Naruto adjusting the brunette's legs over his lap.

"Why? You want me to go?" He asked, Neji shaking his head.

"I just thought you'd want something to distract you." Neji shrugged. "With you, sex always seems to be your getaway from all this shit."

"Really?" Naruto asked, taking the chance that Neji had gotten distracted to snatch his cigarette back. "How about you help me take my mind off of things then?" He asked, lighting and blowing smoke towards the brunette.

"Dumbass." Neji scoffed. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying," Naruto pulled Neji close by his shirt, Neji's legs falling back to plant his feet on the floor. "I denied someone just now and all of a sudden, I want a distraction." Neji smiled, knowing where this was going. "What do you say?" Naruto asked, offering Neji the cigarette.

Taking it, Neji laughed. "You're kidding, right?" He asked, placing the cigarette between his lips and standing up. He blew a puff of smoke, suddenly feeling Naruto pulling him back in place to undo his zipper. "You're not." He scoffed.

Naruto only smiled teasingly, letting Neji push him back on the sofa.

After meeting Naruto, Sasuke had no idea where the boy had gone. After the rest of the school tour was over, Iruka had taken him to his classroom where Minato had caught up to them. He had introduced him to the class which apparently, was a big deal because Minato didn't just introduce anybody. Such act from the man himself had given Sasuke just what he needed to prove to everybody he was important and in a short amount of time, he had already made friends with not only the prettiest girl in class, but the most popular.

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