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"We'll be with you in a moment, please take a seat." The middle aged woman kindly gestured towards the white chairs set up around a glass table. Nodding, Naruto did as told and watched as the woman dialed the phone and spoke into it, several times mentioning his last name.

Naruto was really nervous now. His hands were cold and they felt like he could barely move them. His body felt warmer, and he knew he was probably sweating from the nerves. 'I should've brought Iruka along with me.' He thought, sighing as he knew there was no turning back now. The clock on the wall seemed to take forever to count the seconds, and it seemed the seconds themselves felt longer each time. Waiting was torture. Even on his way here, the boy had been too much in his head that he'd been clumsy all throughout the way-- bumping into people at the train station, almost losing Neji's phone, almost tripping on his own feet as he stepped out of the train...

And now, finaly after what seemed like a long hour journey, he was at his destination. Finally, after the many thoughts that raced his head, he was finally sitting at the very location that matched the address Iruka had given him.

"Sir, if you could just take a seat, please." Somewhere in the same lobby, Naruto could hear the receptionist speak. He paid no mind to it; he assumed many people came to visit their loved ones. "Sir?"

"Please, I'm fine. I don't need to sit." Naruto looked up, though he didn't look towards the lobby. He could tell the voice belonged to that of someone young. The tone in their voice gave away that they were nervous, surely from anticipation. He wondered how often the patients here were visited, and wondered if his own mother had been visited at all, if ever. "Could you point me to... um, Namikaze's room?"

The nurse raised an eyebrow. "Do you have a visit scheduled today?"

And just as the nurse began her questioning, Naruto was already looking towards the direction in which the conversation was happening. Who else would be asking for a Namikaze? He doubted there was anyone else here with the same name but, suddenly the voice became all too familiar. Once looking in the direction... "You?"

The receptionist looked puzzled, but knew the dark haired boy was most likely not expected to be here. "Sir, if you don't have an authorized appointment here, we're going to have to ask you to leave. I'm going to have to call secur-"

"I'm with him." Sasuke quickly pointed towards the blond in the waiting area, though the blond only frowned and looked as though he was about to explode in anger. "We're here to see his m-mother." And with this, Sasuke convinced the receptionist, although she looked towards the blond for confirmation.

"Is he with you?" The woman asked, immediately pointing to Sasuke. "We can escort him out if you want. We weren't made aware that there would be two visitors today."

"What are you-"

"Mr. Uzumaki, your mother is ready to see you now." A different woman called out towards the lobby as she held a door open. The blond only stood for a few seconds, eyes darting in anger and disbelief towards the Uchiha before he snapped out of it and began walking towards her.

"Uh- wait, is he with you or not?" The receptionist questioned before Naruto could enter the corridor.

Sasuke looked at the woman and frowned, then looking back towards Naruto. He felt awkward.

"Mr. Uzumaki?" The woman by the door asked, waiting for him to follow her.

"Yeah." Naruto nodded, walking away to follow the woman. "He's with me."

Sasuke was surprised, but began following.

"Are you sure? We were only expecting you today."

"He's with me." Naruto said, looking back at Sasuke and deciding on a whim. Of course, he'd prefer Iruka, but Sasuke would at least be useful and make things easier should he get stuck. He hated to admit it, but he did need someone there with him. The only thing he hated was how Sasuke had followed him and was about to learn who was in here.

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