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The door bell rung.

Naruto ignored it as he carried a small bundle of wet clothing towards the laundry room. "Go away!" He shouted as he passed by. Feeling cold, the blond had dumped all the wet clothes into the washing machine and turned it on. He then hurried towards the dryer to pull on a newer, cleaner shirt than the one he had previously gotten.

The doorbell continued ringing and later on, whoever was at the door switched to knocking. Irritated, Naruto decided to ignore it, walking past the door and upstairs. "I said go away!" He shouted mid-way up. Seeing how the person behind the door was persistent, Naruto let out a frustrated sigh and walked back down to open the door and reveal the idiot knocking on the door. "What is it?" He asked in an annoyed tone. "Oh, look. It's you." He then observed, a frown set in place. "What do you want, Minato?"

"You're home." Minato sounded amazed— and he was! Naruto was never home and Minato could only guess why. "You're here." He said, once again smiling yet it was obvious he was nervous.

Naruto only rudely gestured him to either talk or leave.

The man fidgeted nervously. "I- I... you know," he cleared his throat, thinking about how he would tell his son that he was just dropping by to make sure he was okay. "I saw the lights turned on and I figured I'd... you know." However, while this was true, the real reason Minato was standing on his old house's doorsteps was because he had passed by to welcome Sasuke into his new home. He hadn't expected Naruto to be here, but alas, it was a surprise and one Minato had to take advantage of to see him. Naruto was rarely ever home and while Minato wished he knew where his son spent his nights at, he preferred not to know. Iruka had told him Naruto mostly lived with a friend and that was all Minato needed to know. He wouldn't ask Naruto directly as to not seem intrusive and seeing how his son blamed him for something in the past, Minato knew he had no right to ask as he knew of the mistake and error he had committed. "I guess I'm just passing by." Minato uttered under his breath, satisfied to see his soon up close.

He could see clearly now that Naruto was healthy, at least physically. Usually Minato would check with Gai, the head of physical health to tell him how Naruto was, but seeing him in person and seeing for himself brought great satisfaction to the man.

"Great." Naruto frowned. "You passed by, now leave." He said, closing the door on Minato and although the man didn't move an inch to stop his son from doing so, someone else did.

"He's your dad, what the fuck's wrong with you?"

Surprised, Naruto looked over to the heroic new transferee Minato had brought in. "Oh look, it's Minato's new favorite kid. What was it? Sasuke?" Naruto asked, rubbing his chin as if in thought. "Stay out of my business."

"I'll stay out of it when you learn to respect him. He's your dad, didn't you hear me? He's here to see if you're okay and here you are throwing a bitch fit."

Naruto chuckled. "A bitch fit? How about you leave before this gets ugly?" He threatened.

Sasuke frowned. At first, he had walked over to begin his plan on intimidating him but upon seeing Minato being disrespected like that by his own son, it angered him. Sasuke's father had walked out on his mother when he was but five years old, his older brother being about fifteen at the time. He never knew why his father had left them, but still, it angered Sasuke to know that Naruto had a worried father looking after him and yet this was how he treated him.

Angered, Sasuke pushed Naruto inside, grabbing the blond by the fabric of his shirt while Minato, alerted, walked in and tried to get him to stop. Sasuke didn't listen though, since he focused on the blond at his grip.

Naruto didn't seem to be fazed at all.

"Is that all you could do?" The blond chuckled. "Hey, Minato. Your kid is getting out of control. Do something about it." Naruto laughed, angering the Uchiha even more.

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