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Sasuke woke up the next day with no motivation to go to school. He had woken up late on purpose; turning his alarm off last night so he would use it as an excuse if his mother ever asked. Bothered, he got up as his stomach growled and walked over towards the door, walking out into the hallway.

He hated his school; how everyone treated him and would never give him the chance to at least prove he was more than just the average student.

He hated everyone that went there, how they were all so stuck up either because they were of high social status or because they had climbed up the social ladder in the popularity ranks. Most of them were assholes, Sasuke knew that firsthand. If only he had been popular, maybe then he would crush them all and anyone who'd ever try and mess with him.

Mostly, he hated Karin and her stupid group of junkies. The idiotic girl was at the top of the power pyramid, able to move the masses if she'd wanted to. Instead, she made sure no one but her could sit next to him in class, lunch, or in the bus if he ever took it. Her junkie friends Suigetsu and Juugo made sure to have him do their work for them, all so they could sell their answers to anyone willing to buy them. He hated them, all of them. Being the honor student was stressful, yet the other honor students seemed to get by just fine. It was only him whom everyone was after and the reason? He'd no clue.

He walked into the bathroom, brushing his teeth while glaring at himself in the mirror. Once done, he walked out, mercilessly shutting the door behind him as he did so.

"Sasuke? Is that you?" He heard his mother call from downstairs. Following her voice, Sasuke stumbled upon her sitting down at the breakfast table, another man sitting across from her holding a tall glass of orange juice. "Your alarm didn't go off this morning, dear." She stated. "Ah- but come on over and say hello. This here is an old friend of your father and I, Minato Namikaze. He's the founder of the Leaf Academy and not to mention, he was Principal at Konoha High." His mother introduced, standing up from her chair along with Minato as he shook hands with Sasuke.

"Please, Miko. Just Minato is fine." He chuckled, now looking over towards Sasuke. "I've heard lots about you, Sasuke." Minato greeted with a smile. "My friends speak highly of you over at your school."

"Yeah? What of it?" Sasuke asked, his mother nudging him on the side for his grumpy attitude. She didn't know yet that he had been fired from his job.

Chuckling, Minato ignored the rudeness in Sasuke's voice. "Your mother and I were just talking about you."

Sasuke could only look at the man with suspicion. "About what?" He asked, sitting by his mother.

"Well, for one, we were talking about how Konoha High is even more advanced than the school you go to now. Knowing your hard work and grades, I've taken the liberty to recommend you as a transfer student to a friend of mine over at Konoha. Your Principal, Madara, has also agreed with me and has sent his recommendation letter." Minato explained.

Sasuke's eyes widened as the man spoke. A new school would mean lots of things for him: new faces, new people, and certainly the chance to be who he couldn't be in his own school. No one knew anything about him there, so it was perfect.

"But think about it, Sasuke." His mother advised. "You'd have to quit your job and leave all your friends behind but-"

"Gladly, when can I transfer?" Sasuke didn't hesitate to ask. This was the perfect chance to get away from the stupid girl and all her friends who used him for their academic advantage.

Minato laughed. "I'm glad you're eager. It shouldn't take long if I speak to the current principal."

"And the current Principal is...?"

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