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Naruto woke up with an annoyed groan as Neji's phone alarm began ringing an obnoxious tune in the middle of his peaceful sleep. The brunette had left it on purpose, seeing as how the blond's phone had died due to permanent water damage and while it wasn't entirely Naruto's fault, well, it was in a way, Neji threatened Naruto to take care of the phone as if it were his life otherwise he would be really angry with him. Not that it mattered to Naruto, of course. He could easily just buy himself a new phone. Neji didn't have to leave his here.

But anyways, stretching his half-naked body across the bed, Naruto let out a short yawn and decided this had had to be one of the best nights of sleep he had gotten in a long while. Being home for once really did him good.

Once up and ready for the day, Naruto headed towards the bathroom where he did his business and later on washed his teeth then face. He changed into his normal clothes; his school uniform had been stained with blood no thanks to Sai and it was probably still laying around in Neji's flat. Noticing that he was also missing his school bag, he guessed it was also back at Neji's and decided to head out like that. Knowing Neji, the teen wouldn't even bother showing up for school much less to deliver the blond his items. Besides, it's not like everyone followed the school rules and wore the school uniform. At least, he didn't.

Heading out, the blond greeted the chilly morning he loved so much with a deep breath and a smile as he locked up.

Looking around, a few recognizable faces passed his house as every high school student in the neighbourhood walked to school. Some passed by as quickly as they could, as if Naruto would take time out of his day to actually torment them; plus, it was always the other way around. They were the ones who made life for him hell within the walls of the school. Rolling his eyes towards the hypocrites that passed by, Naruto's eyes landed on one particular sight.

It seemed the little pinkette who loved to mess with him had spent the night over at the new student's house. The two looked happy, smiling and laughing while Minato's new favorite kid locked the door behind him. Once again rolling his eyes, Naruto ignored them and walked out into the sidewalk, walking ahead of them even though they were but three feet behind him.

"Naruto, is that you?" A white haired man rolled his window down, driving slowly next to the blond.

Sasuke and Sakura, witnessing this, slowed down and watched as Naruto walked up to the open car window without a care in the world. Sakura probably knew this, but Sasuke had to wonder if Naruto even knew the guy.

"Uh, I think I know you. Mizuki, right?" Naruto recalled.

Sasuke couldn't actually believe what Sakura said was true. The girl only stood next to him, nodding her head slowly as she too, recognized the driver.

"Where you headed?" Naruto asked.

"Work." The man, or rather, Mizuki, responded. "Need a ride?" Noticing the pair walking slowly past him, Naruto grinned and nodded, knowing this was at least a great chance to escape from the audible flirting those two had going on. "Hop in." Mizuki offered, unlocking the door. "School?" Mizuki asked, receiving a nod in return. "Wasn't that Sakura? The one walking with that guy?" He asked, driving out into the road as he passed by them.

"Who knows?" Naruto sighed, leaning back into the seat. "So tell me, are you here because Iruka sent you to check on me or are you just 'casually' passing by?" The blond inquired, knowing Mizuki and Iruka were very close friends. Naruto had the chance to meet Mizuki at least twice before when Iruka first came into his life, which was when he was about five. "Or wait, let me guess. You're just coincidentally driving through my neighbourhood on your way to work, right? Unless you moved here, I mean."

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