Chapter 7- Impossible Love

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I watched. I waited. Gazing at the door, I sat on my bed, my bladder on fire! I continued to sit until I felt it coming. Jumping up, I pounded hard on the door. "Steve! Hurry the fuck up! My bladder is burning!" 

"Just hold on a sec, I'm almost done!" He yelled back. 

 Groaning, I paced in front of the door in my black and white striped pajamas and an overly-sized, plain white T-shirt. I knew I shouldn't have drunk all that water when coming back home from the concert! Damnit, Katie! Pacing at an even more brisk pace, I tried to distract myself with some things in the room: the TV, the bed, Steve-O's bed on the floor, our suitcases, our room keys, sunglasses, two lamps, three paintings, the creme-colored wall... What seemed like forever was actually only five minutes. The sound of the unlocking of the bathroom door had me running to it, excited as a playful puppy. Steve-O emerged from the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. I knew it wasn't right to glance at him, but he stood out from the other things in the room for some odd reason. After a minute or two, I noticed that I had been fixated the whole time on his body. Looking up into his eyes was the wrong thing to do at the moment.

He took a step closer to me, his eyes still on mine. I just stood there in front of the bathroom door, frozen, not knowing what to do. I knew that him slowly inching his way towards me wasn't exactly what I wanted to happen. Before I knew it, I was backed up against the mirror facing the bathroom door. Steve-O took his free hand and placed it beside the right side of my head. He smelled faintly of body wash; was it Axe? Old Spice? His face inched closer to mine, as if he was about to kiss me. I dodged what seemed like to be an I'm-almost-there kiss, ran into the bathroom, then slammed the door shut. 

My heart was pounding, my temple throbbed, my hands shook and my knees were wobbly. What the hell just happened? Why was my heart racing? Why was my body reacting like this? Have I fallen into a trap? What would happen if Bam found out? Or Robin? I couldn't destroy my getting-to-know-each-other relationship with Robin. But Bam was different. He was precious to me like a sorcerer is with his magic potions. Glancing around the bathroom, I forgot what I actually had to do. 

- - -

Will you ever make the pain go away?

I am starting to fade. 

Remember that those memories

Are here with you to stay. 

Please come with me

I love you 

I need you. 

The girl's voice faded as the man killed her silently. After coming out of the bathroom in an awkward state, Steve and I had eventually decided to watch a scary movie after some pondering on what we should do. The story reached the climax as the girl's lover stabbed her to death, and a whirl-wind of screams shattered the peaceful night in the setting of the movie. I lied down on my stomach on the left side of the bed while Steve-O sat with his legs tucked into his chest and his back resting on a stack of pillows on the right side of the bed. The story ended as the man went to bed that night, his arms still bloody from his killing. The screen went black for a minute, presuming me to get up and stretch. Then, a blood-curdling, high-pitched scream came from the TV along with a picture of the dead girl's face, pale and disgusting. Her black, oily hair spread in front of her face, one of her blue eyeballs gouged out and bleeding rapidly, and her pale pink lips, blood-stained. This sudden jump-scare caused me to jump back in bed and bury my face into a pillow. I heard Steve-O laughing as he turned on the lamp on his side, "Katie!" His laugh filled the room, "What are you so scared about?" 

I buried my face deeper into the pillow, tears coming out of my face from embarrassment. "Nuffing." I said into the pillow. 

Steve-O shook my shoulders, "She's coming to get you tonight, Katie!" 

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