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[A/N: This oneshot actually took me a few days to write because I kept getting writer's block for certain parts. This is my first Billdip oneshot so I hope you like it! The whole thing turned out to be 11 pages]




"He's where?" I asked, surprised with slight anger in my tone.

"Relax Bill, would you? I just told you where he was." Said Ford. "No need to be aggressive with me."

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and letting it out, willing myself to calm down. When I opened them, he seemed to be waiting for me to speak- arms crossed.

"Look, I'm sorry alright?" I told him, trying to be sincere. "Could you just...tell me what happened to him?"

"And why would a demon such as yourself, care about a 16 year old boy, when you've never done so before?"

I gritted my teeth, not wanting to lash out any more than I already have. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I sighed.

"I've been...keeping an eye on him, ever since he came to Gravity Falls, to make sure that he didn't do something stupid and wind up hurting himself or someone else. I then began to grow interested in him and what he was up to. And in that time, I've found myself starting to care about him, surprising even myself when I did so." I paused, and looked away. "I just...worry about him okay? Even this is new to me, and-" I stopped, looking back at him. "Frankly, I don't care if you like me or not, I just..." I paused again. "I just want to know if he's okay..." I finished, my voice quieting towards the end.

He had a look of shock on his face, but also something else. It looked like...empathy?

"I didn't think..." He said, more to himself. He walked closer, making me tense up slightly.

"I didn't know you cared for him as much as you say you do. Tell you what," He said, a small smile on his face. "If you really do care for him, I'll take you to him."

" at least tell me what happened before you take me to see him?"

He gave me a sad look. "Very well..." He said quietly. "You see, Dipper...was in an accident. And in that accident, he hit his head pretty hard...causing him to have fallen into a coma. There's only a slim chance of him waking up any time soon."

Sadness washed over me, my shoulders slumping.

"Oh..." I whispered, not wanting to talk anymore.

He seemed to understand, and started leading me towards the Mystery Shack, where he would be found in his bed, unconscious.

As soon as I was led to the front of the house, Dipper's sister came outside, along with her uncle. As soon as she saw me walking up, teary eyed, she stormed up to me, making me instantly stop.

" What are you doing here?" She said angrily. "Because if you think, you're going anywhere near my brother, I'm gonna-"

"I'm not going to hurt him, or anyone, if that's what you're thinking." I interrupted, trying to keep my calm. "I only want to see him."

"No." She said lowly. I took in a breath, and sighed.

"Is there a reason you don't trust me?" I asked seethingly. "I've never had a reason to hurt your brother, so why would I have one now?"

"You're...a...Demon?" She stated, as if it was obvious. "You're always full of tricks, you're always trying to make deals with people and cause mischief, and you're overall just really annoying. Need I say anything else?"

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