I'm Sorry

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[A/N: It's so short oh my goooodddd I am so sorry ;-; Hope you still like it!]




 Normally, I wouldn't mind if Bill came to the Mystery Shack or not to bug me with something...but something seems odd. It seems as if he's avoiding me without letting me know why he's doing it in the first place, and to be honest, I'm concerned.

I decided to try and use his spell to summon him, to see if he would hopefully show up.

"Triangulum, entangulum. Meteforis dominus ventium. Meteforis venetisarium!"

I smiled slightly when I seen him appear after a few seconds, but it went away when I seen the expression on his face when he saw who summoned him. He floated to the ground, crossing his arms and glaring.

"What." He said, sounding disinterested, yet annoyed that he was here in the first place.

"Is...everything okay?" I asked cautiously. He let out a short laugh.

"You summoned me here...to ask if everything was okay? Are you kidding me?"

I shook my head. "No. I'm not." I said seriously. "I asked if everything was okay because you've been avoiding me for days and not telling me why."

He scoffed. "Who says I was avoiding you? I have my own demonly things that need taken care of besides visiting and annoying you. If that was all, then I'll gladly take my leave-"

"No!" I yelled, making him look at me in surprise. I walked closer to him until I was about 2 feet away. "Don't you dare go anywhere until you tell me why you've been avoiding me. Don't tell me that you haven't been doing it purposely when you know you have, Bill."

"It's unlike you to not come over here as often as you can." I walked closer to him. "Please just tell me...was it something I said or did?" I pleaded gently. "Because if it was, I-"

"Stop." He interrupted. "Just stop, alright? I don't need to hear it."

I looked at him with confusion. "Hear what? Bill seriously, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned with the unusual attitude he had on him. "What did I do? Could you please just tell me?"

"Why should I explain? You should know already why I haven't been coming here." He said with sass.

"What's with your attitude?" I asked lividly. "If I knew why you weren't talking to me, then why would I summon you here and question you like this? Now can you please tell me why you're acting this way?"

"You really want to know? Fine. I've been 'avoiding' you because of all the shit your family has said about me." He answered crossly, eyes starting to glow red instead of their normal golden color.

"If it's them who's been saying things, then why are you mad at me? I haven't said anything bad about you."

"No, Pine Tree, it's the fact that when they say bad things about me, you don't even stop them! You just go along with it like it's no big deal, though the things they're saying aren't true and you know it." He sneered. "You wanted to know why I haven't been talking to you, and now you know why, so I'm leaving."

"Bill please don't leave," I begged, grabbing his arm before he could disappear from me. I sighed, looking down at my feet, feeling shameful. "Look, I'm really sorry that I haven't been standing up for you. I should have been, but I haven't been, and I'm sorry. I know they're wrong with what they say, and it's not right of me to let them say things that aren't true about you."

I looked back up at him, still holding onto him. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered, sadness overwhelming me as I suddenly felt tears prick at my eyes. I hugged him to me tightly, making him gasp quietly. "Please don't go Bill...please..."

I heard him breathe out somewhat shakily as he gently pushed away from me, eyes now their normal color.

"No need to be so emotional or clingy, kid." He said with a small smirk. He then sighed.

"Look, I'm not going anywhere," He said softly. "If you really want me to- then I'll stay for a while longer, okay?"

I smiled gratefully as I hugged him to me again. "Thank you." I said, voice muffled by his overcoat. I felt him chuckle as he returned the gesture, putting his chin on top of my head.

"Anything for my little Pine Tree." He said, which, in turn, made me blush slightly.

"So...you're not mad at me anymore...a-are you?" I stuttered anxiously.

"I don't think I could ever stay mad at you for a long period of time." He laughed. "Especially with the way you act, which I find adorable by the way."

I felt my face heat up a little more. "....Adorable? Really? Because I don't really think I'm-"

"Oh shush," He interrupted. "I think I can call my boyfriend whatever I want, don't you think?"

I chuckled nervously. I'm...still trying to get used to the fact that....me and him are...a 'thing'. Though it has only been a couple months or so...

Should I be used to it by now? Then again, I've never been in a relationship with a guy...

"...Helloooo? Dipper, you still there?" I heard someone say before laughing. I look at Bill sheepishly, realizing I must have been staring into space again.

"Sorry, just...thinking."

He smiled slyly as he tilted my chin up to face him. "You need to stop thinking so much," He said, nearing closer. "And," He murmured, moving towards my jawline. "Just," His voice lowering, leaving a small kiss and making me gasp softly. "Relax." He breathed, finishing his sentence as his lips just barely touched mine, smirking before fully pressing them to mine in a firm but gentle kiss as I let out a squeak of surprise.

My eyes fluttered shut as I melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck as I felt my legs weaken. My stomach seemed to be doing flips, making my face feel as if it were on fire, yet not wanting to stop any time soon.

Though the need for oxygen soon came and I reluctantly stopped and pulled away slightly, panting quietly as I looked into his eyes through half-lidded vision with a small smile. He chuckled breathily.

"You truly are something special, you know that?"

"So are you," I said with a grin before quickly kissing the tip of his nose, which had him make a weird face before he also smiled.  

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