Relationship Troubles (Part I)

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  [A/N: I am so so so sorry for taking forever! My sleeping schedule is literal shit and I haven't been able to write much because of it >.> Hope this kinda makes up for it! And yes, there will be another part to this, hence the 'part 1' in the title ^^]  (  The picture link is how I imagined Kieran would look like!)

I slowly made my way into the shack, taking cautious steps inside as to not alert anyone of my presence, and made my way to the stairs to head to my room. I shakily raised my hand to the wall to help support myself, avoiding creaky spots along each step.


"If anyone finds out about this, you're dead. Got it Pines?" My boyfriend Kieran growled lowly, gripping my jaw tightly. I winced in pain, nodding nonetheless. He smiled sweetly.

"Good boy," He murmured, kissing the corner of my mouth before releasing his grip and backing away slightly. "See you soon."


I shuddered at the memory that had taken place earlier today. As soon as I was far enough away from his house, I started to run as fast as I could, not stopping until the Mystery Shack was in sight. I swallowed nervously before making my way to the bathroom.

Dread suddenly filled me when I caught sight of the damage he'd caused.

"How am I supposed to even hide this?" I whispered to myself, wrapping my arms around my torso as I looked down at the floor for a few seconds.

This time seemed worse than any other time. Black eye, with a small cut on the bridge of my nose... small cut on my bottom lip on the left... bruised jaw...

I let out a shaky sigh, closing my eyes to prevent myself from crying.

"Maybe I can sneak some makeup from Mabel's room," I thought. "I'll just have to be sure she doesn't notice I've taken anything."

Once again, being careful as to not make too much noise, I made my way to her room- sighing in relief when I saw no sight of her. I quickly went to her dresser- the makeup and everything else being on the top- and grabbed what I thought I'd need to cover up what I could before heading back into the bathroom.

Deciding to take a shower, I turned the water on and waited until it was warm enough to undress and hop in. I let out a quiet sigh as the water hit my face, the heat from the water slightly helping my aching face. After a few more minutes, I- though reluctantly- decided that it would be a good time to get out. Can't stay in the shower all day, after all...

After getting myself dressed, avoiding hurting myself more, I looked into the mirror, wiping it off to see a little better. Though the little amount of blood was now gone, everything still looked as bad as before. Sucking in a breath, I grabbed the foundation from the sink, and opened it. Making sure to get enough, but not too much to look obvious, I brushed over the bruise around my eye, as well as the one that seemed to spread a little more along my jaw, thankful that Mabel and I had the same skin tone. I decided that I wasn't really able to cover the cut on my nose, nor the one that was on my lip.

If anyone were to ask what happened, I decided to just make something up that sounded reasonable. Absolutely no one can find out what happened. If they did....

I shivered, not wanting to think about what he'd do. Grabbing the makeup, I headed back towards Mabel's room, checking once again to make sure that she wasn't in before slipping in myself and putting it back where she had it to make it seem as if no one took it in the first place before heading to my room, and closing the door behind me.

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