On Lock (Part I)

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(Sorry this took a while guys! Hope you like it ^^)




This past week or two have been completely off for a lot of reasons. Though to only name a couple, I haven't really been getting any sleep whatsoever- and I'm not sure as to why. I've been completely drained of energy and haven't really felt like doing much of anything, though I sucked it up just so I could still help out with the Shack if it was needed.

I haven't told anyone about my lack of sleep- but I'm guessing I don't have to. They already seem to know, and give a worried kind of glance my way, but don't ask me about it since they know it's hard to get me to say anything if I don't want to.

The other reason- the main reason- is Bill.

I've felt the need to constantly worry about him- and our relationship- because of what's been happening, or, lack thereof.

He hasn't been coming to visit every day like he usually does, and he won't tell me why when I see him in my dreams- which is the only time I can see him now for whatever reason only he knows.

I've also been feeling irritated about it, but mostly worried, because he never does something to make me worry about him this much.

I've decided that, tonight, when I'm able to get to sleep, I'm going to force him to tell me what's going on, whether he wants to or not. Because I'm not sure how much longer I can take this.


I opened my eyes slowly to let my eyes adjust to everything around me before slowly standing up, looking around me.

He usually comes to me not too long after I enter the Dreamscape- it's usually when I'm just walking around aimlessly with nothing to do. Which would seem to still be the case.

A few minutes after I start walking through the woods, I hear a voice beside me.

"Is everything okay?" I rolled my eyes a little, not caring whether he saw it or not.

"What makes you ask if I'm okay?" I asked in return.

"I haven't been seeing you here in the Dreamscape too often. Are you not getting enough sleep?" He asked, and I could hear the concern in his voice. I let out an irritated sigh as I halted completely, surprising him and making him turn around to face me and he shifted out of his demon form and into human.

"I don't know, am I not getting enough sleep Bill?" I answered with sarcasm. He looked confused.

"Well, what's the reason?" My expression turned into one that basically says 'are-you-serious-right-now?' before I answered.

"I figured you would've known by now." He continued to look at me as if he were waiting for an answer. A noise of exasperation escaped me as I yelled. "You! You're the reason I'm not getting any sleep!"


"Yes! The reason I came here tonight was so I could ask what's been going on with you lately. Why have you only been visiting me here? In the Dreamscape? Is there a reason you can't physically visit me when I'm awake now?"

He looked away for a moment before he sighed a little. "Dipper..."

"No. Tell me the reason you can't."

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?" I asked somewhat sadly without meaning to. "I... thought you trusted me." He frowned when he noticed the tone of my voice.

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