Dipper Gets Glasses

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[A/N: Holy shit it's been forever >.> I apologize friends, it's just a lot of stuff has been happening recently- mostly family stuff- and my depression/anxiety's been kicking my ass. It hasn't exactly been getting better, but I'll try to write BillDip's whenever my mind lets me ^^; Anyyyways, hope this oneshot is okay- Enjoy! ~<3]

"Aww, cheer up Dip Dop!" Mabel said, patting one of my slumped shoulders. "I bet it won't be as bad as you think it'll be." I rested my hands on my lap as I looked down, avoiding looking at Mabel's cheerful face. Nothing could make me feel better right now.

"Mabel, I have to get glasses," I emphasized in an annoyed voice. "How is that not bad? I don't want glasses." I sighed as I decided to rest my chin in my hands, my elbows now on my lap as I sat hunched over in the car. "Now whenever we go back home to California, people at school will have all the more reason to make fun of me..."

"Okay, first of all, you're not the only person to have glasses." She wrapped an arm around my shoulders comfortingly. "And second, if people so much as call you a name, they'll have me to deal with- so don't worry about it!"

"Your sister's got a point, kid." Grunkle Stan cut in. "Don't let anybody make fun of you for anything- especially just because you're wearing glasses."

"But why can't I just get contacts?"

Stan sighed a little. "Wish we could do that for ya, but I'm afraid we can't afford it, with how much they cost. You'll just have to deal with wearing glasses, like me and Ford."

"Besides!" Mabel cut in after Stan. "You might not have to wear them forever. Maybe your eyes will get better."

"And if they don't?" I asked sullenly.

"Maybe when you get older and have enough money, you can get contacts then!" She answered. I forced myself to smile slightly, and looked up at Mabel, who had a sympathetic look on her face as she smiled back.

"Thanks, Mabel." I then thought of Bill.

Oh my god


No no no no no no no

"Dipper?" Mabel asked, waving a hand in front of my face. "Why are you freaking out so much?"

"What's Bill going to think when I come back wearing glasses?" I asked frantically. I pulled at my hair slightly. "Oh my god, what's he going to say? What if he doesn't like them? O-or doesn't want to be around me anymore, or-" I cut myself off, blushing. Apparently Mabel knew what I was going to say next, because she giggled and wrapped her arm around me tighter.

"He's not going to break up with you for wearing glasses, Dipper." Upon hearing that sentence, Stan about burst out laughing.

"Oh my God, that's hilarious," He almost choked out. "You seriously think he would do that because you're wearing glasses?"

"Shut up," I muttered, looking down at my lap as my face grew warmer. They laughed a little more before Mabel spoke again.

"We're just teasing, you dork." She punched my arm lightly. "Bill will still love you no matter what you look like, okay?" I just nodded, continuing to look down the rest of the way to the eye doctor's.


"Dipper, come on," Mabel whined, pulling on my arms to try to get me out of the car. Stan had already gone into the Mystery Shack, not wanting to get involved. She stomped her foot and huffed, letting go of my arms and crossing hers stubbornly. "Dipper, you can't stay in here forever."

"Yes I can." I took a quick glance up at Mabel to see her rolling her eyes.

"You realize he's waiting for you, right?" No answer. "He wants to see you." No answer. She sighed dramatically.

"Fine, if you won't come in, then I'll just have Bill come out here." That made me look up, my eyes wide as fear went through me.

"No, nonononono don't do that-"

"Bye Dipper~" She said before running up to the Shack. Panicking, I quickly shut the door, locking it before sliding down hopefully low enough so he wouldn't see me.


I suddenly heard the doors unlock, and I gasped, ducking my head down, knowing full well it was Bill. I heard him laugh to himself.

"Are you kidding me right now, Pine Tree?" He asked incredulously in an amused tone. "Look at me."

"No." I mumbled.

"Do I have to make you?"

"Bill, no-"

"Because you know I can make you." He interrupted.

"Please don't-" Was all I got to say before I felt him grab both of my arms, making me yelp as he yanked me out of the car. I blushed when I felt my body hit his from the force of the pull. I grabbed his arms and yanked mine out of his grip, stepping back a few inches and looking down.

"I am going to see your face, whether you want me to or not." He said sternly, cupping the bottom of my jaw as he tilted my head up. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see his reaction. I heard him sigh.

"Dipper, open your eyes." Reluctantly, I did as I was told, a blush apparent on my face as I saw his smirk. He chuckled, using his other hand to brush his fingers against my face lightly.

"Bill-" I tried, but he stopped me. His expression softened a little as he lowered his voice.

"You really think I wouldn't want to be with you anymore just because you're wearing glasses now?" I averted my gaze, my face hot when I figured Mabel must have told him everything I'd said in the car. Not wanting to say anything, I shook my head vaguely.

"Kid, please look at me." Biting my lip, I turned my eyes back to his amazingly golden ones. A small smile appeared on his face before he placed a kiss to my temple.

"Tu vide venerandum, Dipper..." He murmured. "I still love you, even with glasses. Okay?" Despite myself, I smiled before finding courage and standing on my toes slightly- pressing a soft kiss to his lips for a few seconds, then resting my head against his chest. I could tell I surprised him, because he was quiet for a few seconds before he returned the hug, resting his chin on the top of my head as he laughed under his breath.

"I wish I could bring you to California with me..." I mumbled, holding him tighter. "I think I'd feel a little more confident that way."

"You know I can't leave Gravity Falls." Bill said in a remorseful tone. "Or else I would. Besides, you'll have your sister with you! I think you'll be okay." He said, trying to help me feel better.

"Having my sister there is nice, but it'd be better if my boyfriend could be there with me too." I muttered.

"I'll always be in Gravity Falls when you visit. And besides, isn't this your last year of school? You'll be able to see me whenever you want for as long as you want." He said, a smile in his tone.

"I guess so."

"You still have some summer left, so how about we go enjoy it before you have to leave?" He asked, pulling away with a grin, holding out his hand. I rolled my eyes, smiling before I grabbed hold of it.

"To be honest, I think you look more attractive with glasses." He said with a sly grin. I blushed slightly, pushing him playfully.

"Shut up, Bill."

Tu vide venerandum-
You look adorable, Dipper...  

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