A/N- A Little Bit About Me! (30 Questions)

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1. Meaning behind your url- I actually got the name of my url/username from my dog! My dog's name was Midnite and her birthday was on May 21st, so I put them together to get Midnite521 :)

2. Biggest weakness- I suppose it would have to be my depression/anxiety, since with it, it's hard to want to do anything productive

3. Biggest strength- Smartness I suppose? Practically all of my friends and family say I'm really smart

4. Piercings you have- I only have my ears pierced :P (I've been wanting to get a lip piercing for a few years though, except I don't have the money for it)

5. Favorite band- I honestly have wayyyy too many favorite bands xD But I suppose some of my favorites are Twenty Øne Piløts, IAMX, The 1975, Red, My Darkest Days, Panic! At The Disco, and Blue October

6. Last dream you had- I've actually been having really weird dreams for some reason? The last one I had was being chased/getting away from a demon of sorts (No, not Bill xD)

7. Phobia- Main ones are spiders, the dark, being completely alone, and crickets...

8. Favorite movie- Again, I have wayy too many favorites. Some movies I like are Zootopia, Big Hero 6, Batman vs Superman, Suicide Squad, Deadpool, X-Men, and Batman: The Dark Knight series

9. Color of your hair- My natural hair is medium brown but it's pastel blue at the moment :3

10. Favorite model- I don't really like any tbh (That and I don't really know any xD)

11. Favorite flower- Rose 

12. Cats or dogs- What kind of question is this? Obviously both of them are amazing and adorable

13. Favorite holiday- Halloween! >:) (I was born around that time so of course it'd be my favorite)

14. The last thing you ate- Popcorn 

15. Your lucky number- I don't really have one lol

16. Your name- I'd prefer to just go by Midnite :)

17. Piercings you want- Well I guess I already answered that didn't I xD

18. Idea of the perfect date- Going for a walk in the park at night, and stopping to lay down, relax and look at the stars <3

19. 5 things you hate- Liars, attention-seekers, POLITICS, being criticized, lag/slow internet

20. 5 things you love- Compliments, music, video games, writing (obviously), my friends

21. A random fact- I am genderfluid so being referred to as male or female doesn't really matter to me! I'm also a demiromantic pansexual :3

22. Favorite item of jewelry- I have a necklace with Daryl on it from The Walking Dead that I'm in love with

23. Favorite body feature- My eyes maybe? And my hair

24. Tattoos you want- Oooo there are so many I still want (I have 4 atm) but I'll only list a few- the ones I'd like to get are the Joker and Harley skulls from Suicide Squad, Jack Skellington, a wolf, Bill Cipher, a character or characters from FNaF, and the P!ATD logo

25. Favorite  ̶b̶l̶o̶g̶s̶  accounts- I don't really use Tumblr so some of my favorite accounts on here are 21PilotsDeadalbumleafpetewentzisdeadfemininejosephDerpyLeafpooldemontriangle, and EternalLaughter (And of course all of my followers! ^-^)

26. What I love about myself- There's not really much I like about myself besides my taste in music, my eyes, and my ability to write

27. What I hate about myself- My insomnia, my depression/anxiety, my ability to not talk to my friends for months, I cry a lot and I'm really emotional, being pessimistic most of the time, being forgetful at times, being extremely lazy, being extremely shy, etc....

28. Favorite book- I only really read stories online so some of my favorite BillDips are "To Date A Cervitaur", "Devil With A Silver Compass", "Out of the Blue", "Off The Deep End", "I've Made Mistakes In My Mind", "For the Health and Safety of Mabel Pines", and "All That Glitters" (These are all on ArchiveofourOwn if you'd like to read them which you should cuz they are AMAZING)

29. Sweet or salted popcorn- Buttered :3

30. Someone you miss- Well my friends for one (I haven't seen them in months ;-;), my grandparents, my aunt, and my dog (she didn't pass away she's just in the SPCA :c)

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