On Lock (Part II)

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 As Bill had guessed, Ford wanted nothing to do with helping him. But I wasn't one to give up easily, so I pressed forward. Bill wanted to see for himself whether or not this would work, so he tagged along only in my mind, with that being the only way he could be with me while I was awake.

"What happened with you two is in the past-"

"What he did was a terrible thing, Dipper." He interrupted, making me sigh in irritation. I crossed my arms, and waited for him to finish. "He betrayed my trust, how do I- or you for that matter- know he won't do it again just because he's with you? He's a demon Dipper, they don't change that easily. They also tend to not love anybody except themselves."

'See? I knew he wouldn't change his mind for me.'

'I'll change it somehow.' I answered so only he could hear. I could actually feel him rolling his eyes as he scoffed.

'He's stuck in the past, Dipper.'

'I thought you trusted me to do this?' I asked, mentally sending a questioning look.

'Fine. Continue your conversation with him. I'll be listening.' I shook my head a little before returning my attention to my uncle.

"He's a demon, sure. It took me a while to be able to trust him, and you know how hard it can be for me to trust anyone. After spending more time with him, I've noticed he's gotten better- he might not have changed fully, but he's a lot better than he was a few years ago. You've got to believe me when I say that, Uncle Ford." I added in a more pleading tone.

"How do you know he truly loves you and isn't faking it?" He crossed his arms, sighing a little. "Dipper, I just don't want you to get hurt, especially by Bill."

'Oh, come on. Is he serious right now?' He asked in an unbelieving tone.

'Just hold on.' I answered firmly.

'If you say so Pines.'

"I asked myself that question at first. But if you really get to know him, and notice everything he does, you can tell it's real. If you want, you could even use a truth spell on him just to prove it." I could feel Bill's mood go up at this, and a ghost of a smile crossed his face.

'You must seriously love me if you're saying that to Ford of all people.'

'I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't.' I answered back with a small smile.

He took a deep breath, sighing. He was quiet for a few seconds before he decided to speak. "Alright. I... suppose I could find something to fix this." I couldn't stop the grin that appeared suddenly at the answer, and I hugged him.

"Thank you so much, Uncle Ford. I knew you would help." He smiled and chuckled slightly in return.

"Okay, okay. But just know that I'm only doing this for you, Dipper." I nodded.

"I understand."

"Okay then, let's get to work."


'I'm still surprised that he even gave you a chance to do this.' Bill said after being relatively quiet the past few days.

'In a way, he's giving you a chance too. To prove yourself, I suppose.' I then smirked and laughed a little. 'Told you he couldn't say no to me.' He rolled his eyes a little before eventually smiling again.

'Can it, kid. It's not that I didn't believe you.'

'You just weren't sure if he was going to agree because of what happened years ago?''

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