Valentine's Day

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[A/N: Special Valentine's Day Oneshot that I just wrote today! Hope it doesn't seem rushed ^^ Enjoy!]




"Happy Valentine's Day, Bill!" Mabel shouted excitedly as soon as I arrived at the Shack, making me cover my ears and cringe at just how loud it was. Though, I let out a small laugh as she wrapped her arms around me, slightly rocking side to side. She backed away, a grin covering her features as she clasped her hands together.

"Ah... thanks?" I gave her a confused look. "Though, what's the big deal with this 'Valentine's Day' thing? Is it a holiday?" She rolled her eyes before sighing.

"And here I thought you were smart and knew everything about anything." She teased.

"Hey! I just so happen to not know about this holiday and why it's so special." I whined, crossing my arms and feeling a little offended. She just laughed before shaking her head.

"I'm just playing with ya, Bill." She said, punching my arm playfully. "Valentine's Day is a day you're supposed to spend with your 'special someone'," She explained, using air quotes before smiling slyly. I stared at her blankly. She huffed. "Y'know, you and Dipper... spending time together... alone..."

My eyes widened a little in realization, and the tips of my ears grew warm. "O-oh... ah, right..." I chuckled nervously. "Alone? But what about you?"

"I'm going to Pacifica's house to spend Valentine's Day with her." She paused, as if in thought. "Oh jeez, I need to get going or I'm going to be late!" She exclaimed, heading towards the door. Before going out, she turned back to give me a knowing smile. "By the way, Dip's expecting you any minute now, so I would suggest not standing there the rest of the day." Then out the door she went, closing it behind her.

I was about to go up the stairs, but Dipper appeared in front of me before I had the chance. He smiled, raising an eyebrow. "Were you just going to stand by the doorway the whole time?" He asked teasingly. Shaking off my surprise, I smirked as I walked up to him.

"No," I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. "Are you just going to talk the whole time?" He laughed under his breath, shaking his head.

"No, actually," He reached around to grab one of my hands. "I was going to take you up to my room for a bit, if spending your Valentine's Day there doesn't bother you."

"Our Valentine's Day," I corrected. "And... I guess I don't mind." I said slyly. "Lead the way..."


As soon as he closed the door to his room, I leaned him against the wall. "So... do you have anything planned for us to do today, Pine Tree?" I purred, my lips inches away from his. He smiled coyly, snaking one hand around the back of my neck, the other threading through my hair.

"Just... one thing, maybe..." He breathed, slowly brushing his lips against mine before looking at me through half lidded eyes.

"Te miris..." I whispered before smashing my mouth against his needily. A small moan escaped him as he gripped at my hair tightly. I traced my tongue slowly against his lips, making him shudder- though his mouth opened just enough for me to slip in. He gasped, completely slipping into submission as he allowed me to take control.

We pulled away, panting, before I got to work on his neck. I bit down just enough to get a reaction out of him, but not enough to draw blood, before slowly sucking on it.

"God... Bill..." He groaned, making me smirk. I moved to trail small kisses along his jawline, getting close enough to gently nibble on his earlobe, making him shiver again.

"You." I breathed, returning to his lips. "Are." I kissed the corner on his mouth. "Mine." Returning to his lips, whispering so he could just barely hear. "Licuit?"

He nodded vaguely, his eyes looking slightly glazed over. "Always," He said softly, his arms moving to my neck. "Te amo..." He breathed. "So much, Bill..."

I smiled a little. "Te quoque amo, Dipper Pines..."

He pressed his lips to mine again, this time moving slowly. This continued for a couple of minutes, a warm feeling growing in my chest as I held him. We barely separated, and when we did, I was left feeling breathless as I leaned my forehead against his, closing my eyes for a moment- listening closely to Dipper's breathing as well. Without thinking, I read through his thoughts- and licked my lips before sighing softly. As if he knew, he opened his eyes, and looked at me.

"You read my mind." He stated, not exactly asking.

"Kid, I... W-we can't, I..." He looked at me sadly, making me stop.

"I understand." He said morosely. "I-if... you don't-"

I pressed a finger to his lips to silence him. "Trust me, I want to... It's just... Your Uncle... he made me promise not to do anything of the sort." I smiled sheepishly. "He said he'd kill me if I, ah...tried anything with you... being 17..."

Dipper rolled his eyes, scoffing slightly. "Of course he'd do that..."

"Hey, don't be upset, okay? This is supposed to be our day, remember?" I said, tilting his chin up so he'd look at me. "He didn't say I couldn't kiss you... or cuddle with you..."

He grabbed my hand gently, pulling me over to his bed, and sitting down- pulling me on top of him, making my bangs fall in my face. I gasped quietly in surprise. He spoke with a determined look on his face.

"Then kiss me and cuddle with me... please..."

I laughed breathily. "Okay..." And before I could say anything else, he pulled me down into a soft, gentle kiss- moving slowly. My face warmed at how gentle he was being at the moment, and I could feel my heart beating faster.

I pulled him into a hug, rolling onto my side as I faced him. "Mean mundum me ad te..." I murmured. He looked at me, slightly confused as he tried to understand me. It was a few seconds before he smiled at me.

"You mean the world to me too, Bill." He kissed the tip of my nose, making my face scrunch up a little. He giggled, smiling crookedly before speaking again. "Felix Valentino Dies..."

I rolled my eyes before returning the gesture. "Happy Valentine's Day, Pine Tree."

Te miris- You are amazing...
Licuit?- Alright?
Te amo- I love you
Te quoque amo- I love you too
Mean mundum me ad te​​​​​​​- You mean the world to me...
Felix Valentino Dies​​​​​​​- Happy Valentine's Day...  

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