Sing Me A Song

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[A/N: I included the song that Bill sings for Dipper; Hope you enjoy!]




 I get the feeling that something is going on with Pine Tree, mainly because of the fact that he hasn't summoned me for quite a few days now, and usually he brings me to the shack pretty much every day (or every other day) if he needs something or just wants to relax and cuddle- have someone to talk to if he's bored.

I sighed before opening my eyes to my mindscape, which is usually where I'm found unless someone needs me, though it can get pretty boring- and lonely with nobody to talk to. No longer wanting to wait on Dipper to summon me, I instead teleported myself there to see if something was wrong.

When I appeared in his room, he was in his bed, though was facing the wall. I knew he wasn't sleeping- I would be able to tell.

"Kid?" I called out carefully, seeing if he would turn around knowing I was now here.

He seemed to acknowledge my presence, but still didn't seem to want to move. I walked over to him slowly. "Hey- what's the matter?"

He mumbled out something along the lines of 'I'm fine' and 'Just want to be alone'. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you turn around and tell me that? Because I know you, and I know you're not fine."

I heard a quiet scoff before he turned around, sitting up slightly. As I saw his face, concern filled my mind. It seemed as though the rings under his eyes were darker than usual- as if he hadn't been getting enough sleep, and they were slightly red. Had he been crying?

"Then why would you want me to tell you if you already know?" He asked, his tone making me wince a little. His voice seemed to match the tiredness that showed in his eyes, being a little hoarse.

"I'm worried about you. Is something going on?" I asked gently. He laughed under his breath.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, you seem like you're exhausted for one. Besides, I can sense how you're feeling, and you haven't been feeling happy." I stated, resting my elbows on his bed.

"Well I'm fine, alright?" He snapped before feigning a smile. "I-I mean... No need to worry about me."

"I have every right to be worried," I said stubbornly. "Isn't that my main job as your boyfriend? I want you to be happy, not sad." I pulled his face closer to mine, making him gasp a little in surprise. "Now what's wrong? Tell me~" I whined, making him push me away slightly and cross his arms.

"Bill, I'm fine. Really."

I crawled onto his bed, sitting across from him and copying his posture as I also crossed my arms with a slight glare. "I'm not leaving until you tell me why you're not happy."

He groaned, his hand going to his face in frustration before he looked back at me. "Well then you'll be here for a while seeing as how I'm fine and nothing's wrong."

I made an indignant noise in the back of my throat, as I sat unmoving. "Then so be it, because I'm not moving until I'm told what's wrong with you."




"Come on, seriously."


He growled in annoyance, and I found myself smirking slightly, eyebrow raising as I sat still with my arms still crossed.

"Oh come on," He said, his expression growing more and more annoyed each minute I didn't listen. "You can't stay like that all day."

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