Relationship Troubles (Part II)

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[A/N: Wowee this took me longer than I thought it would to upload >.> Thumbs up for procrastination! xD Anyways, I hope you enjoy this part as much as the first one!] [As always, translations will be at the bottom ^^]




[Text From: Kieran] Where have you been?

[Text From: Kieran] Why haven't you been answering me?

[Text From: Kieran] You'd better answer me Pines before I come down there myself and make you

[Text From: Kieran] If you've told anyone anything I swear to god

I sighed shakily as I ignored another one of his texts, though on the inside I felt regret of doing so- along with anxiety of him actually coming over to the Shack to do something about it.

If I told him I'd been ignoring him because Bill had told me to, he would most likely kill me instantly for even listening to him in the first place.

Every time he would try to call, I would be told to ignore it by Bill. In total, I have almost 10 missed calls from him from just today. Though I wasn't around him, I could tell that by now he must be seething from the unanswered calls and texts. And every one that I would get, would make me more nervous. The voicemails that he left would send chills down my spine, and almost break me down to the point of wanting to curl up in a ball and cry endlessly- though Bill wouldn't ever let me get to that point.

It was around the third day of ignoring him, that I was now afraid to leave my room- let alone my bed.

Mabel had tried to convince me to come out, though nothing she tried to say worked. By now, she knew of the situation with Kieran- but only because I had told Bill it was okay for him to tell her, plainly because whenever I tried to, my voice would break and I would start to cry even before I could explain. Since her pleading and begging didn't work, she invited Bill to come over while she ran some errands in town.

The knocking on my door made me jump, until I realized the knock to be Bill's. I mentally sighed in relief.

"Come in," I called out weakly, moving to sit on the edge of my bed as I crossed my arms. He walked in, closing the door behind him before coming over to me.

"Do I even have to ask how many times he's tried to get ahold of you?" He asked. I shook my head vaguely, laughing under my breath. My chest tightened, and without realizing it at first, tears ran down my face before I started shaking.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, not wanting to look at him- instead focusing on my feet. I heard him sigh quietly before he wrapped his arms around me, practically holding me as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"You don't have to apologize for crying, Dipper." He murmured. I let out a short laugh.

"But I do it almost every time you come here now Bill. Y-you-" I stopped, sniffling slightly before closing my eyes. "You shouldn't have to see me like this every day that you visit..."

"It's completely fine if you're like this... and it's okay to cry if you need to."

"But I need to be strong. For my family... my friends..." I paused before mumbling. "'S my fault I'm like this in the first place."

"No, it's not your fault." He said defensively. I looked up to see a slight glare on his face. "You didn't know that he would end up being the way he is now towards you. He treated you well at first, so it's understandable as to why you still loved him- even when he hurt you- because you believed him when he said he didn't mean it. In no way is it your fault, kid. It's his for ever hurting you for no real reason besides just feeling like it, and not wanting you around anyone but him."

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