New Year's Kiss

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[A/N: Hope this one is okay! Enjoy ^^]


"Come on~" Mabel practically whined as I helped set up the shop. "When are you gonna tell him? You gotta tell him soon, Dip!" Her eyes then beamed as she grinned widely. "How about on New Years? O-M-G that would be perfect!" She squealed excitedly.

"Mabel, I can't just-"

"It's almost New Years anyhow. That would be so romantic." She smiled, sounding all lovey-dovey.

"Mabel I can't!" I exclaimed quickly, in case she tried talking again. "I just... I can't..." I sighed. "I-I wouldn't be able to."

She grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face her, surprising me and making me gasp lightly. She had a stubborn look on her face as she spoke.

"You are going to tell Bill that you like him whether you want to or not." I felt myself blush as I closed my eyes for a few seconds. I shook my head.


"Unless," She interrupted, a sly grin slowly spreading. "Unless you want me to tell him for you, which I reallyyy don't think you'd want me to, I suggest you tell him- and the sooner, the better." She released her grip on my shoulders, smile still on her face. "Trust me on this, Dipper."

I let out a breath as I made a slightly annoyed sound. "Okay! Okay... I'll tell him... I-I guess...It's just... so soon~" I complained.

"Great! Can't wait 'til you do. And relax! It'll be fine; Like I said, trust me." She said with a smile before turning and walking away. I rolled my eyes, sighing as I continued helping Grunkle Stan.


"You ready for tonight bro-bro?" Mabel asked with a smile, almost jumping up and down with excitement. "I know I am! New Year means a fresh start for everyone, and new resolutions!"

I chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "Tonight, er... I... I guess... I am? To be honest I'm really nervous. I mean, what if he just laughs it off? O-or doesn't feel the same way? Or what if-" Mabel put her hand over my mouth, making me stop babbling- which for me is another nervous habit of mine.

"Don't get so worked up about this, alright?" She said sternly, taking her hand away. "If he doesn't feel the same way, at least you'll still be friends."

"But... what if we won't be?" I asked anxiously, my voice getting quiet near the end. "Mabel, this isn't just some normal person. Bill is a demon," I stressed. "I feel like I should feel at least a little nervous about his reaction to this..."

"You'll never know how he feels until you tell him," She said with a knowing grin. "He may be a demon, but he has feelings too, silly. Have you invited him to come here?" She asked curiously. I nodded slowly, biting my lip slightly.

"I did, yeah. He was a little surprised that he was invited, but he said he'd be glad to celebrate with us. He didn't say what time he'd come over though."

"Well, hopefully it's soon!" She exclaimed. "It's already almost ten thirty. Wouldn't want him to miss out!" She said before running off somewhere- probably to her friends. I shook my head as a small smile appeared on my face.

Welp, time to lock myself in my room as I wait for Bill to arrive.


To pass the time, I just laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling for I don't know how long.

The time, as I checked my phone, was 11:30.

I was about to wonder where and when Bill would show up until I got a knock on my door. I sat up to see that it was, indeed, Bill himself- a grin on his face. Subconsciously, I felt myself smile a little as his voice rang through the room.

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