A Night Out

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[A/N: Ahh oh my gosh I'm so sorry I know I haven't updated this in forever plz forgive me, writer's block and lack of motivation can be a serious pain in the ass ;-;

I know I say this for almost every oneshot I write but I hope this one's okay! It took me wayyy longer than I thought it would to write]




Dipper sat at the bar, feeling as bored as ever as he lightly tapped his fingers, taking small sips of his fruity flavored tequila- which wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Mabel had told him to go out and enjoy himself at least once, and take a break from working for a while- because to her, Dipper worked himself too hard to please the customers at the shack- and he seemed more than exhausted towards the end of the day.

Sighing, he looked around. There weren't too many people out tonight, so the place seemed fairly quiet, save for the tv in the corner and the small group of people playing pool, joking around and having a good time. Dipper seemed to be the only actual person sitting at the bar- the only other person being the bartender, who seemed to be bored from the lack of people, but seemed friendly nonetheless.

He'd been there for maybe a little over an hour, and so far it isn't as fun filled as he thought it'd be. It was pretty dull if he were to be honest- in fact, he'd much rather be distracting himself with a tour of the shack- heck, he'd even take cleaning over sitting here and doing absolutely nothing.

He was about to just get up and leave before he ran into some stranger who was slightly taller than he was. He raised an eyebrow and smirked, taking a small step toward Dipper- who in return took a step back with a nervous laugh.

"I-I'm sorry, I was just... heading out." He stuttered slightly, pointing towards the exit with a small smile. The stranger just laughed in return, shaking his head a little as he tsked.

"So early? It's not even 10 yet." He leaned in a little closer, making Dipper swallow nervously.

"Yeah, um... m-my sister needs me, so I really need to get back home..." The stranger placed a hand on Dipper's shoulder, making him squeak in surprise as he tried getting away. "P-please let go of me. I-I really need to-"

"Oh, come on. Stay a while longer, won't you?" He asked, grinning wolfishly. "We could get to know each other, even." Gathering up what little courage he had, Dipper shoved the man away, glaring slightly.

"I said no." He said in annoyance before trying to walk towards the door again. "Look, I don't know who you are. I don't want to know who you are, so just leave me alone, alright?" The man huffed before glaring slightly in return before grabbing a hold of Dipper's arm- perhaps a little too tightly- and yanking him back. Gasping, Dipper tried yanking his arm away, but to no avail with what little strength he had.

"How about staying a while longer, yeah?" The man asked in a low, somewhat menacing voice as he forced a smirk. "We can make it fun."

"Hey!" A new voice called out. Surprised, they both looked at who it was that was walking towards them with an angry look on his face, his arms crossed. This person seemed to have messy, light blonde hair, and looked to be a bit shorter than Dipper even. "What the hell do you think you're doing with my boyfriend, buddy? Hm? Can't you tell he wants to be left alone, or are you just too stupid to realize it?"

'Boyfriend?' Dipper wanted to say as his brows furrowed in confusion. 'I don't remember ever having a boyfriend...' Before he even got the chance to ask, the man glared at him.

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