Helping Pine Tree

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[A/N: Couldn't think of a better title but yolo xD Anyways, hope you enjoy!~<3 P.S. There's Latin in this oneshot so I decided to put the translations at the end for you guys ^^;]

As soon as the final bell rang for the day, I hurried to grab my bag and whatever else I thought I would need to take with me, and was practically the first out of the classroom door as I decided to speed walk down the hall to the front doors of the school. I avoided any eye contact as I pushed through the main entrance and turned to the direction of the woods- my usual route back to the shack. It might've taken longer, but I didn't want to chance being seen again by anyone.

Now feeling safer, I felt it would be okay to look back up, seeing as how no one was around to see the bruise shadowing my right eye. I gently placed my fingers against it, wincing when I still felt some of the pain from earlier. I took in a shaky breath as I tried focusing on only getting back home.

After a little while, the shack came into view, and I smiled only slightly as I continued my walk. As I got closer though, my smile faded and I looked down when I reached the front door, letting my bangs fall in my face a little in an attempt to hide the bruise as I walked in. I quickly made my way upstairs to my room and closed the door behind me, setting my backpack and books on the floor before walking over to my bed and flopping onto it, sighing as I closed my eyes.

I jumped when I heard quiet knocking on the door, suddenly feeling anxious before calming down, realizing the knock and who it was. "Come in," I called out quietly, sitting up so I could lean against the wall, hugging my knees to my chest as I let my hat hide my face.

I heard the door open slowly, and heard a sigh before footsteps made their way towards my bed. I felt my bed move slightly as they sat down on the edge before moving closer to me.

"You okay, bro bro?" I heard Mabel ask gently.

"'M fine Mabel, don't worry." I mumbled. I felt her put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me a little closer. I swallowed the lump in my throat as tears threatened to spill- though I wouldn't let them.

"You don't have to be," She murmured. I stayed silent, fearful that if I tried to talk then I would start to cry.

"I'm fine," I spoke, voice cracking. "I'm fine..."

"Dip, could you look me in the eyes and say that you're really okay?" She said sternly, though she remained gentle.


"Please?" She asked quietly. "I want to try and help you, but I can't if you won't let me." Lip trembling slightly, I reluctantly lifted my head to look at her, brown eyes filled with concern and sadness.

"Dipper," She voiced, nearing a whisper as tears brimmed in her eyes. "Why don't you tell someone?" I sneered, laughing under my breath before shaking my head.

"I have," I answered in a revulsive tone. "I've went to the office and explained to them what was going on. They said they would talk to them about it, and get back to me. They never did- so I'm left to assume they didn't even do a goddamn thing and just brushed it off." Without warning, I felt warm streaks down my face and I started to shake. "That school doesn't care about its students- they never have, so why would I be any different?"

"There... there has to be something we can do." Mabel pleaded. "You're my brother, you-" She let out a small cry before hiccuping slightly. "You're my brother... I-I don't want to see you like this." She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight, and I gasped lightly in surprise. "I don't like seeing you hurt."

I smiled sadly before hugging her back. "I know... I-I'm sorry..."

She pulled away with a look of anger. "No. Dipper, you have nothing to be sorry for. It's them idiots at school who think they have nothing better to do than to bully someone just for kicks. They need to learn that it's not okay to pick on my brother."

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