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[A/N: I swear I thought I had a better idea for the last line or so for this but I forgot it along the way xD Hope you enjoy it anyhow! ~ <3]




 Today is probably a whole week that I haven't been able to sleep properly. I feel exhausted, yet I can't seem to stay asleep without waking up from a nightmare every night; I haven't figured out why I've been having these dreams, but if they keep going on...

I don't know how much longer I can make it if I can't finally get a good night's rest.

It seems as if Mabel and Grunkle Stan are starting to take notice- they even asked if anything was going on. Not wanting to worry them, I told that that I was fine and that everything was okay. They didn't seem to believe me, but they didn't question me further when I told them- what with them knowing just how stubborn I can be at times.

These dreams... I just don't understand where they're coming from or why I'm having them in the first place. They all seem to have something in common- me waking up in an unfamiliar place, with no escape of any kind as a shadowy figure shows itself- looming over me with an evil grin, with rows of sharp teeth, and glowing yellow eyes, laughing at my fear as it came closer, rendering me unable to move. I then would wake up- before supposedly being tortured or possibly killed- in a cold sweat, letting out a small cry of terror as I would then lay in bed awake for the rest of the night, too afraid to go back to sleep.

I decided to stay in the attic for most of the day, sitting by the window as I struggled to keep my eyes open as I looked through one of the journals, partially out of boredom and partially to see if there was anything in it about my dreams. I sighed as I found nothing that would help me figure them out.


I opened my eyes to find that unfamiliar room once again, and gasped out of fear.

"No!" I screamed. "I don't want to be here...please! Please let me go!" Though my cries for help went unnoticed as the same shadowy figure appeared in front of me a few feet away, chuckling as it saw how nervous it made me.

"Please, just leave me alone," I whispered. "Just... just go away..."

It just grinned as it moved closer, blocking any means of escape as I sat in a corner, my knees pulled up to my chest as I felt myself shiver.

It cackled as it suddenly jumped forward, making me duck my head and cry out. I suddenly felt it pick me up, smashing me to the wall painfully as it held me by my neck. It's grip seemed to tighten the more time that went by. My attempts to escape its grip went in vain as I felt myself getting lightheaded. It looked at me with its demon-like glowing yellow eyes as it showed its rows of sharp teeth with a smirk.

"I shall see you in the afterlife soon, Pines...Or should I say- Pine Tree." It snickered as my vision darkened.

"No!" I cried out weakly before everything went black suddenly...


"No!" I screamed out, eyes wide with sheer terror as I found myself shivering uncontrollably, arms wrapped around myself.

"Pine Tree?" I heard someone say. I peeked towards the center of the room, and cried out as I suddenly fell off the window sill, hitting the floor with a 'thump' as I backed away into a corner, hugging my knees up to my chest again as I hid my face from the intruder.

', please...not you...why won't you leave me be?' I thought to myself, thinking back to the golden eyes I had seen only moments before.

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