Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

SATURDAY MORNING AND there were no classes. I was thinking of something I could do. Clean the apartment? Maybe, but I was lazy to. For the two months of staying in this apartment, I hadn't had a general cleaning even once. Mom would be happy for this. She would kill me.

Greg came back on the second day after he left and since then Sean and I both felt isolated to him. He might be depressed, but he didn't talk about it. I had not even had a time to ask him about it because he seldom accompanied us to school since then.

My phone beeped at my side, a text message from Sean. "Nic! It's Greg's Birthday today! Forgot it?" I went to the calendar of my phone and yeah, it's October 10 today, but because of what had happened to him and his way of treating us, I didn't feel like I was supposed to be the one who had to make an effort. Or like a celebration, if that's what Sean expected me to do. I hesitated to call Sean, but I did.

"What are you planning?" I said when he picked the call

"I am planning to call Jenny, since school humors say that she is his crush." Sean said. He wanted to surprise Gregory.

I didn't know Greg had a crush. That stung. Whoever she was, I didn't want her to be at today's celebration. "I don't think he will appreciate that."

"Ok. So what are you thinking?" Sean asked.

"What if we act like we are mad at him and we are tired of his behavior. We are going to pretend like we do not know it's his birthday today. We'll have to buy some foods first and let's just get things ready after." I didn't have that idea until just when I called Sean. It actually seemed childish.

"Ok then let's go!" He shouted like he was so excited. Should I wonder that Sean could possibly be a gay too? So far, my gaydar had not sense something close to that.

We went to the Asian Mart hurriedly and bought what we needed. When we arrived home, luckily, Greg was inside his apartment. We hurried to Sean's apartment and hide the surprises there.

The foods were still on the grocery bags when somebody knocked.

"Sean?" Greg called. Sean's small eyes widened as he heard his voice.

"Ok." I told Sean "Pretend as good as you can. Imagine that he was your ex. And be extremely mad at him."

Sean grunted "Why ex? Can't it be just like a traitor friend?"

I had to laugh at that. "Sure. Imagine what you want, just make it sure he will be annoyed."

I went to hide in Sean's room for a while and then I heard the door opened.

"So you're here our friend! How are you now, huh?" Sean was yelling "I am sure you're here because you need something, right?"

"WHAT?!!" Greg yelled back trying to reach Sean's tone. Agitation ran in his voice.

"What?!" I broke in, showing to the living room and walked near Greg. "Can't you really understand? You are ignoring us these past few weeks and now you are asking 'what?'" I drew close to him and pushed him by his chest. I could feel the bulge under his shirt even it was just a short contact. It made my knees jelly, but I resisted. "Get out of here! We don't want to see you, Greg!" I yelled again.

"No time for joke here." Greg said, lowering his voice and hanging his hands on the air like he was being arrested.

"We don't need you." Sean cut him off.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Fuck off, assholes." He shouted, his face almost touching mine. "And you Dominic. I can't believe you're taking his side." I didn't know what's running on Greg's head but it seemed like we made him believe our little act.

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