Chapter 7

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I don't think I've ever experienced such an awkward moment in my whole eighteen years of living. Even though I think love is nothing but a fantasy, I had a little bit of hope that he was referring to me when he said I love you. But he obviously didn't and I doubt he ever will.

Thanks to his personal driver I didn't have to walk home or catch public transport. One thing I hated more than anything was public transport. I mean you have all these random people squashed together with all kinds of aromas. I found it disgusting.

The ride home was a very awkward one, I was glad when we finally reached the crappy gates to my house. Like everyone else who wasn't rich we lived in a villa. The neighborhood isn't as bad as the ones on the north side of town, they were beyond shady.

I thanked frank and ran up to the house. And with my luck my dad was sitting out on the verandah reading a newspaper. Without a glance towards him I walked inside.


Going into the hospital the next day was not easy, I've missed two days, Mr Stewart isn't gonna be happy with me for skipping. Mia helps out at the front desk, as soon as she sees me she waves me over.

Mia was a petite kind of girl, she was small but very tough, no one messed with Mia. Her natural hair was pitch black and straight right down to her bum, but just over the holidays she chopped it off up to shoulder length and colored it red. Her excuse was, 'it made me look like a witch!' She was very pretty though.
"Eve! Where have you been, Mr Stewart is so mad at you. You didn't even tell anyone about your whereabouts you just disappeared. What happened?"

"It's a very long story. What did Mr Stewart say?"
"I don't know but he's mad. You better go see him now,"
I nod my head and walk towards Mr Stewarts office.

As soon as I enter his room he looks up at me and starts blabbing. "You better have a good enough explanation for why you were absent for two days without telling me!"

"Eve, I cannot tolerate with this kind of behavior. If you can't take this seriously then you need to reconsider finding somewhere else to volunteer. Look, I'm giving you two weeks to go home and sort out your life, and when you're ready to take this seriously then you're welcome to come back!"

"Honestly sir, I'm so sorry, I've been busy..."
"What's more important than your career Eve? Huh..."
"No buts." And with that he turns back to his computer and starts typing frantically.
I ran out of the hospital and didn't pay attention to Mia calling out my name. I just had to get out of there. And I'm actually glad for the break he gave me, I really need it.


I sat on the verandah eating a piece of chocolate cake when my dad drove in through the gates. He gets out and I could see he was holding a gift in his hand. It was wrapped in purple wrapping paper with flowers on it.

He walks up the stairs and takes a seat in front of me. I get up to leave when he grabs my hands. "You can't keep going on like this sweetheart, you just can't. Haven't I told you I'm sorry?" I look away from him.

"I wouldn't deliberately go out of my way to hurt you. I agree that I messed up, I messed up big time. And now I'm saying I'm sorry, please" he puts the gift in front of me and I just stare at it. I look up at him, "no!" I turn around and walk inside and I didn't stop walking until I got to my room. I banged the door shut and slid down to the floor and began sobbing.

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