Chapter 19

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It's felt like years since I've been in a car. It only brings back bad memories. A memory I would rather forget. Since Maya rejected my plead I decided to make another move.

"Take a right turn here and it should be straight up ahead," I point out to my co-driver, David since Frank wasn't in today. I was glad about that actually. Frank is not one to ask such favors from.

"This is the place," I say as we reach a deserted area with a sign post saying 'No motor vehicle access.' The place was perfect for my idea. It was more of a steep hill ending off with a cliff. It was about two hours from the city, and it overlooked everything. I've only ever been here once with my father for a reason I don't recall. I never thought I would be back here.

David steps out of the car and goes to the trunk of the car for my wheelchair. He then comes over to me and places me in the chair. With a pointed finger towards the hill I say "Now, take me to the very top."
He hesitated at first before saying, "my prince... The cliff, why?!"
"Don't question me, just do as I told you please..."
"Yes sir, sorry sir!" He replied hurriedly.

The hill was pretty steep so I felt bad about having to make him push me all the way up. It took about ten minutes before we reached the top and David was drenched in sweat.
"Sorry to have to put you through that..." I say honestly.
"no problem sir..." He locks my wheels before appreciating what was in front of him. "Wow! What a view, it's beautiful don't you think sir?" He asked breathlessly, looking around.

"How old are you?"
"31 sir."
"31?" - "yes sir," he let's out a hefty laugh. "I'm not getting any younger am I?"

"No one is. But where would you like to be in ten years time? What is something you would like to achieve ten years from now? I mean you can't be pushing around a crippled prince for the rest of your life right?" I look up at him with a witty smile.

"Well uh, I would like to build and own a house as well as a striving business. And hopefully along the way make time for a family." He finished off with a sad smile.
"You also want a lot of cars with that don't you?"
He chuckles. "Yes, that would be nice also."
"Well do you know David that I can grant you most of these things right now?"
He nervously chuckles. "Uh how sir?"
"Take out my phone."
He reaches over to the front pocket of my blazer and pulls out my phone.
"Call Jacob Phoenix."
He searches for the number for a short while before placing the phone to my ears. "It's ringing sir."
After a few rings the call is answered.
"Hello, Prince Charles here."
"Good evening sir," says a Deep voice. "Is it time?"
"Yes its time. Are you here yet?"
"Yes sir, just got here."
"Great, bring it over." I move my head away from the phone indicating for David to hang up.
I look at David and smile. He smiles back nervously.

For a pretty hefty man, he comes charging up the hill clinging onto a brief case.
"Sorry to keep you waiting sir," he says out of breath.
"Good to see you Jacob. How's the family?"
"Great sir." He sets the brief case on my lap "Fifty grand to be exact like you requested sir. Have a good day." He turns to go.
"Have a great day Jacob, thank you again."
With a slight turn of his head he smiles and nods before setting of down the hill. I wait a few minutes to make sure he's out of hearing range before turning to an astonished David.

"Ye...yes sir?"
"Take this," I say nodding down at the brief case.
"But, my prince..."
"No buts, just take."
He gently picks up the case and looks at me with his eyes almost popping out of their sockets.
"It's yours. Under one condition."
"Anything sir. Anything you wish."
"Push..." - at that moment Mayas kind words are the only thing circulating my thoughts; and then I see my mother's sad face crying out my name. And Eve. She didn't give up on me. So I won't give up on her. Maya was right. It wasn't worth it. Most of these feelings are only temporary. Others have it worst than me but they still choose to live. So I'll take a chance and see what life has in store for me. I'll fight through it.

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