Chapter 18

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You know how I said before that I would never give into the option of killing myself? Well I'm starting to think twice. I mean of course it would be impossible for me to literally kill myself in my condition, but I have a few ways of dealing with that.

Maya came in today and that's when the idea came to mind. It's desperate and overly stupid, but what choice do I have. I just lost my father, and the one girl who actually made me smile; Eve. And now with my fathers death, my so called uncle is surely to take over and I have obviously lost my title the day I decide to leave the palace. And my mother. Just thinking about how I left her without even a little goodbye kills me inside.

"Charles..." Standing next to my bed, Maya puts a hand on my arm and I'm brought back to the horrible reality that is life. She let's out a gentle sigh and says, "why do you have to do this to yourself?"

As I looked into her sad eyes I forgot all about the crazy idea. But just for a second. I had to do this. I just hope she doesn't hate me for it.

"Maya... Why are you here?"
"Why are you asking that. Can't i just visit you for the sake of it?"
Before she could say anything I added, "no, because I don't want to feel like a burden, so just leave..."

"Charles, do you hear yourself? You are not a burden at all! And I'm not going anywhere." She takes a chair from the corner of the room and scrapes it along the floor and sets it right next to my bed.

"OK... Since you're staying, can you do me one favour? and I'll give you anything in return."
"Well what is that you need? And I won't need anything in return."
Before I could think it through the words just flew out of my mouth.

"Poison me..." I could feel and almost hear my heart pounding against my chest. There was this very strained silence filling the room. I looked towards her and her face was pale. She almost looked sick by the thought of it.

"Maya... Please, take me out of my misery. I can't... I don't want to be here anymore." She sprung out of her chair and as she spoke, her voice sounded disturbed, "Charles, are you actually asking me this?" she started raising her voice and it was now one of anger. "What has happened to you? The old Charles was strong, he didn't give up on life because of a little heartbreak!"

"That's not it..."
"Then what is it Charles, huh? What's the
reason you're asking me to kill you?"
"It wouldn't be killing me if..."
"If what?" She clung onto my arms and looked straight into my eyes. I could feel her anger seeping into me as she leaned in closer.

"The old Charles wasn't hopeless nor crippled. The old Charles was happy! I'm not happy Maya! Look at me!" She took a step back and that's when I realized I was shouting at her. "I'm sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me..."

"Don't be sorry... And don't say such things, please... Things will get better if you be patient and..."
"And what? Lay here in misery for the rest of my life in patience while watching everything I love slip away?! Is that happiness?" I looked away from her as I tear made its way down my cheek. I was done trying to be strong. If I had to break down in front of the one person I really respect then so be it.

"Are you going to do this for me?"
"No" she replied in a whisper.
I looked back towards her and she was wiping away tears before saying, "I can't and I won't. Ever. But I'll help you Charles. I'll help you through everything. I won't leave you. I promise." With that she takes one of my dead hands and kisses it.



The following days since my father terrorized me and Charles I didn't step foot outside my room door. He came by every freaking hour of the day sobbing his desperate apology. I ignored him like usual. I wasn't allowed to go out anymore, and I couldn't sneak out because at times he's sitting against my door waiting for me to come out. But I don't.

Today he wasn't there. He wasn't at home altogether. So I took the chance to go see Charles. It was risky because I didn't know what time he would be back, but I went anyways. I wasn't scared of what he would do to me. I was scared of what he would do to Charles, so I had to be especially careful.

Standing outside the gates of the guesthouse I could hear someone singing. It was a girls voice so I assumed it to be Anna. I slowly opened the gates and I was right when I saw Anna tending flowers still singing her song.

I don't know why but I was nervous as I stood behind her ready to say hi. Anna and Barbara didn't know anything about that day and so now I may have to lie about why I haven't been coming in.
I sighed out loud and she turned towards me.
"Hi an..." Before I could finish my sentence she threw herself towards me and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back tightly. I missed hugs. She pulled away and eyed the bruise on my cheek suspiciously. But I could tell from her expression she knew it was best not to ask about it. Thank God for that. Instead she plastered a smile on her face.

"It's so good to see you... It's been so boring around here since you left."
I was dreading for her to say that one word.
"Why?" Yep there it was.
"I um... Family stuff." I quickly averted my eyes away from her.
"Oh. OK." There was that suspicious glint in her eyes again. It made me feel awkward.
"How is Charles?" I said rubbing my arms.
"Not so good. He's even worse than before. He just left."
"To where?"
"I don't know, I just saw him leave with the driver about ten minutes ago."
"Oh, alright then. I guess I'll wait for him to come back. Is your mom here?"
"Yeah, she's inside."
I smiled at her and started walking away.

"I overheard something I shouldn't have heard." She said behind me.
I stop abruptly and turn back at her. "What do you mean?"
She looks around her before shaking her head no. "Don't worry about it. But keep a close eye on Charles because he might surprise you." She casually turns back to the flowers and starts humming a song.
I stood there not being able to move. I really didn't understand what she meant.

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